November 14, 2020: Scorpio New Moon Lessons in Trust Juxtapose Betrayals The new moon on November 14, 2020, at 9:07 pm PST is Scorpio, our fixed water sign. This new moon is ruled by Mars in its domain and power in Aries, now stationed direct and just barely moving, so it has a heightened […]
Leo New Moon – August 18, 2020 at 7:42 pm PDT: Blaze New Trails, Figure in False Starts
Where will this Leo new moon take you this cycle? Tuesday, August 18, 2020, at 7:42 pm PDT we begin a new month within the fixed fire of Leo. In the new moon chart, there is a fire trine between the Sun, Moon, Mercury in Leo, with Mars in Aries and the lunar south node […]
Full Moon in Aquarius August 3, 2020: The Future is Planted from the Seeds of Today
Monday, August 3rd, 2020, we have a full moon in Aquarius at 11 degrees 45 minutes with the Sun beaming from Leo the sign it rules. An Aquarius moon will carry themes of individualism and collective consciousness, breaking free from the status quo, and even potential technical or scientific breakthroughs. Right now, as I write […]
New Moon in Cancer July 20, 2020: Momma Bears Stand-Off with Tyranny
Monday, July 20, 2020, we have a new moon in Cancer (once again in this sign) with the union of the moon and sun at 28 degrees 26 minutes of Cancer at 10:33 am PDT on Monday. This lunar month will be significant in the opposition of Cancerian ideals and the authority of Saturn in […]
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse July 4, 2020, 9:44 pm PDT: Restrictions & Rebels
This Saturday, July 4th at 9:44 pm PDT (12:44 am EDT, July 5th), we have a full moon as a lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn at 13 degrees 38 minutes. This lunar eclipse is narrowly within the zone with the lunar nodes to qualify for a penumbral lunar eclipse, and so I would […]
Solar Eclipse in Cancer – June 20, 2020: The Dawn of an Identity Transformation
Tonight we have a solar eclipse just after the sun enters the sign of Cancer. This an important and significant eclipse as we have three eclipses between June 5th and July 5th, which is extraordinary. One could absolutely say this is an important moment in our collective for change and an opportunity for evolution. This […]
Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius – June 5, 2020: Voices Uniting For Change and Justice
photo credit: Blackkango via Dreamstime Full Moon, eclipse, Friday, June 5, 2020, at 12:12 pm PDT, a unique time indeed. We entered eclipse season at the last new moon, which has made the history books and we are just in the beginning, we’ve yet to reach the summer solstice eclipse which is perhaps more pivotal. Astrologer […]
New Moon in Gemini – May 22, 2020: Be Wary of the Illusions Presented to You, Unless it’s Art
We have a New Moon in Gemini this Friday, May 22nd at 10:38 PDT, symbolism is rich with the duality of life, multiples, conversations, socializing, communities and neighbors, and the curious student. Life is weird right now for millions of people. Some are coming out of quarantine, not yet in my state but around the […]