Today is a significant moment in planetary cycles; Mars goes retrograde in Aquarius on June 26, 2018 at 2:04 PDT (5:04 EDT) at 9 degrees 13 minutes. A truly unique sign for Mars retrograde as well. Last time Mars retrograde in Aquarius was July 11, 1971, though at that time conjunct the lunar North Node (*Daniel […]
UP the Mountain Saturn Return in Capricorn – Part One Farah
From whom did you learn about risk in life? How old were you when you learned about risk? This is a powerful question in that it may be someone you least acknowledged immediately with the label of risk taker and yet they were most likely your teacher for having taken great risks and you directly […]
Summer Solstice – June 21, 2018 – Pondering Life Seasons and Cycles
The summer solstice started the summer season on June 21, 2018 at 3:07 am here on the west coast in Pacific Time. Within hours after our day began we’d learn news that my husband’s mother’s health manifested symptoms that weren’t there before and ultimately led to a trip to the ER and learning she had […]
New Moon in Gemini June 13, 2018 at 12:43 PM PDT – Emotion Rich Conversations
New Moon in Gemini is happening in just a few hours at 12:43 pm Pacific Daylight Time. Just as Mercury has entered in the watery sign of Cancer we have this new moon. I think with this combination we may see opportunities for emotional exchanges and conversations that have a dept to them rather than […]
UP the Mountain Saturn in Capricorn Return – Part One Cocosanne
*image painting by Cocosanne Strong women are made through adversity, finding their own life path, or making their desires happen. No one hands them a compass to their true North. They burn the trail by trial and error, getting back up when they fall, and pushing ever forward toward with a steely resolve and with […]
New Moon in Taurus Tuesday, May 15th 2018 and Uranus ingress to Taurus – Bolts of Earthly Insight for a New Age
Early tomorrow morning, May 15, 2018 at 4:48 am Pacific Daylight Time we have a new moon in the sign of Taurus. At 24 degrees 36 minutes Taurus we begin a new lunar cycle. This new moon is loaded with punch and energy as Uranus is within a minute prior to the ingress into Taurus […]
When Lightning Meets Earth – Wake Up Earthlings– Uranus ingress to Taurus May 15, 2018
This coming week on May 15, 2018 we all experience the Uranus ingress into Taurus and it’s initial pulse is not something I know exactly, that’s just Uranus who likes surprises that jolt you and your consciousness, but it is the biggest moment I think happening in our cosmic dance within our solar system this […]
UP the Mountain Saturn Return in Capricorn – Part One Paworn
Virginia Woolf once said, “Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.” I thought of Paworn when I read this quote. Not everyone has a life situation that has idleness woven into the daily routine where creativity can spontaneously emerge, but sometimes a person has […]