Friday, June 9, 2017 at 6:10 am PDT we have a full moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius, the sign symbolic for natural laws, beliefs, high learning or education, philosophy, truth, an aim toward the future. Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter is stationing to go direct one hour after this moon becomes full and that enhances the influence. Notice […]
Cardinal Grand Cross with Full Moon in Cancer January 12, 2017
The moon is full on January 12, 2017 at 3:35 am Pacific Time, in the sign of Cancer 22 degrees 27 minutes. This full moon is a game changer for us all as it sets up a Grand Cross in cardinal signs, Sun (Capricorn), Moon (Cancer) and Jupiter (Libra) and Uranus (Aries) are also in […]
Neptune stations direct!
Neptune stations direct tonight at 8:38 PM PT, also conjunct the transit South Node of the moon in Pisces. What has been foggy and unclear will start to form in life and provide us more clarity in the coming weeks. Neptune is still in Pisces a sign it rules (modern) so our clarity may come […]