November 9 – Jupiter in Capricorn 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Cost: $20 Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (Uptown Mall) Register here:
Workshop: Mars in Your Chart: Warriors, Wounds and Waking Up Courageously (October 6, 2019)
October 6 – Mars in Your Chart: Warriors, Wounds and Waking Up Courageously 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Cost: $20 Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (Uptown Mall)
Workshop: Syndoc Cycles (September 21, 2019)
September 21st @ 12:00 PM PDT – Syndoc Cycles Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (Uptown Mall) Cost: $20 Register here:
Workshop: Jupiter in Focus (August 24, 2019)
August 24th @ 12:00 PM PDT – Jupiter in Focus Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (in Uptown Mall) Cost: $20 Register here:
Workshop: Planetary Rulerships (July 20, 2019)
July 20th @ 12:00 PM PDT – Planetary Rulerships Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (in Uptown Mall) Cost: $20 Register here:
Workshop: Lunar Nodes: The Evolutionary Intent of Your Soul (June 22, 2019)
June 22nd @ 12:00 PM PDT – Lunar Nodes: The Evolutionary Intent of Your Soul Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (in Uptown Mall) Cost: $20 Register here:
Workshop: Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Navigating This Life Changer in 2019-2020 (May 18, 2019)
May 18th @ 12:00 PM PDT – Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Navigating This Life Changer in 2019-2020 Where: Lotus of the Moon at 1386 Jadwin Ave. Richland, WA (in Uptown Mall) Cost: $20 Register here:
Workshop: The Healing Light Expo (April 13-14, 2019)
April 13-14 The Healing Light Expo – Red Lion Hotel Columbia Center My booth is in the 2nd room where I’m offering mini-readings for 30 minutes. 1101 N Columbia Center Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 CLICK Image to save in your upcoming events on Facebook.