The new moon in Sagittarius this coming weekend brings us into the mutable fire at 9 degrees 32 minutes, though this new moon is tempered with a square from Saturn in Pisces at 12 degrees 54 minutes. So right at the gate of expressing joy and merriment is a sober reality check which is quite palpable. Bring your joy, but realize there is a built in responsibility to it all, such as the potential extending yourself too much or the hangover if you imbibe too much of anything too.
West Richland, WA – Geocentric/Placidus/Mean Node

It is a unique time. Consider the high path as staying curious and see what emerges from that approach. The first week of December will be more intense with this Mercury-Jupiter opposition with Saturn square in PIsces, but also as Mars slows down in the heavens from our point of perception to station retrograde. Staying curious might be more challenging with the opposition squaring off with Saturn, but it will be worth it from removing yourself from extreme polarized side paths that do not have satisfying outcomes. A higher path is holding the polarization and engaging the power of curiosity, perhaps learning about other times in history when polarization were high and pondering this in conversations with a dear friend that has the same intellectual curiosity and emotional intelligence. Philosophy is Sagittarian in nature, where Gemini is the inquiring, all the questions one might ask. So this is a combination that reminds us that we not settle on something as absolute, but increase our awareness that things are always in a state of change, so it may be more an exercise of exploring the shape of knowledge takes, the language and how it is interpreted, and what comes together to be taught at a moment in time, and then how it morphs over 50 years or 100 years and so forth. Consider HOW we learn something new and how one’s beliefs (Sagittarius) at any moment in time shape that learning and the lesson. Consider how in recent conversations you have held the tensions of the opposition. This is a time to gain a lot of personal insight for themes of holding the tension of opposites. Do you appreciate the paradox and how it shows and reveals something to you? Jupiter will eventually leave Gemini in the first part of June 2025. Jupiter will enter Cancer (its sign of exaltation) on June 9, 2025 (2:02 pm PDT).
Mars stations retrograde on December 6th at 6 degrees Leo and 10 minutes, at 3:32:54 pm PST. Mars has a longer retrograde cycle and the themes are often around how we take action and the timing of when we take action as well as times we consider frustrations and anger that we have and require an outlet that is healthy rather than hurtful. Our youth who have developing frontal lobes have a harder time at this regulation of energy that needs expression. Mars will transit through both Leo and Cancer in its retrograde. It will station direct on February 23, 2025, at 5:59:33 pm PST, at 17 degrees Cancer. Mars in this retrograde is in a stand-off with Pluto in Aquarius. There are current storylines of this Mars-Pluto opposition visible in our world now with the example of the former Twitter now X situation with emerging BlueSky. Here’s a video on that theme. Not everyone uses these platforms, but it is a good example to see the emergence of BlueSky taking a lot of subscribers from X. Created and ongoing development in an open source platform will ensure it continues to grow for the people and not just one or one small team. It will be very different without tracking algorithms on people. You may find this tutorial useful if interested to explore the BlueSky platform. It will be interesting to see how these two platforms look in a year, or even three to five years out. I must also mention the first coherent picture of an atomic nucleus, it’s pretty cool.
Pluto in Aquarius at zero degrees 13 minutes of arc is a long cycle of transformation (over two decades) of our collective energy relating themes on our relationship with technology, the systems that support our infrastructure, our collective connections with social equilibrium and our humanitarian support. We will also see the transformation of how we work. It is also a transforming era of technological advances, but there will be more visibility to the shadow side once we actively engage it. It will be fascinating to see what goes under deep transformation, and what a fascinating thing to observe through the eyes of astrology knowing this larger cycle. Astrology is Aquarian as well and we will see more interest in understanding how it works in our earthly experiences over the next two decades.
Mark your calendars for next year on April 25, 2025, and circle it in a bright color because this is when Uranus will leave Taurus and enter Gemini and there will be a trine of the air element between Uranus and Pluto and it will be like putting our foot down full speed ahead with information and technology and how we collectively will be working to change things that have definitely reached their expiration date. It will likely be scary for many who do not feel comfortable with that speed of change. Uranus will re-enter Taurus in its retrograde cycle (next year November 7th) which gives us one more sweep of Uranus in the late degrees of Taurus for additional changes which will be more physical in nature such as supply chains, physical goods, food and food systems, and currencies that go through another dynamic change. Right now, the energy focus is with Pluto opposite Mars and themes are more around power struggles as it relates to the changing paradigms. The United States of America will have an interesting echo as the Pluto in Aquarius is an echo to the archetypal energies of change that our nation emerged from as well. It begs the question, what will we enact over the next few years that redefines our nation. I’d call it the USA version 2.0.
At this new moon Uranus in Taurus is at 24 degrees 39 minutes in retrograde. It will station direct on January 30, 2025, at 23 degrees Taurus 16 minutes. On the west coast of the United States Uranus squares within a couple degrees of the Ascendant and Descendant angles, this may emerge as unexpected events and experiences that align with the supply systems, money, banks, travel and technology issues that can appear in the markets. Uranus is trine with Venus in Capricorn at 23 degrees and 1 minute. Surprises in romantic interests and perhaps the financial areas of life emerge too. Everything requires a mindful eye to the details of the moment and taking care of what is most important now.
Venus enters Aquarius on December 6th around 10:13 pm PST (Dec 7th east coast), within 3 hours Ceres also enters Aquarius, and around 3:43 pm PST Neptune will station direct in Pisces at 27 degrees. December 6th is a HUGE day of astrological events. It will almost behave or appear a bit like a cascading series of events. Neptune stationing is a lot of energy in the powerful softening and feeling nature of Pisces. I would recommend tagging your luggage if traveling in December.
The lunar nodes in Aries-Libra are in the early degrees and soon will change signs. The lunar nodes will shift into Pisces-Virgo on January 11th, 2025. This will be quite a dramatic flow in a sense that the space of imagination will be enhanced, a great time for creative work. However, there will be an interesting perspective on a flow of misinformation potential as well. There will be enhanced confusion on many things appearing. There will be an immense amount of energy flooding our consciousness as a collective. Many may experience dreams and feel as if something is looming underneath or from below, which is the consciousness having a flood experience but it is not yet made conscious. Veils begin dropping swiftly when Neptune enters Aries on March 30th. The harder shifts come into reality as Saturn enters Aries on May 25, 2025. This is not the only shift Saturn and Neptune dance between Pisces and Aries for several months, see the bullets below for these timelines to mark your calendars. The volume of information that will be false increases immensely during this time frame. It will require diligence to sift through, or go within to our higher selves for clarity for direction. If you are an energy worker this will be a time of great influx of energies into the emotional body so we will all see more need for the service to support the understanding and balancing of the energy.
Neptune stations direct in Pisces – December 6, 2024
Lunar Nodes shift into north node Pisces – south node Virgo – January 11, 2025
Neptune ingress Aries – March 30, 2025
Saturn ingress Aries – May 25, 2025
Jupiter ingress Cancer – June 9, 2025 (co-ruler of Pisces)
Neptune stations retrograde – July 4, 2025
Saturn stations retrograde – July 13, 2025
Saturn re-enters Pisces – September 1, 2025
Neptune re-enters Pisces – October 22, 2025
Saturn stations direct (Pisces) – November 27, 2025
Neptune stations direct (Pisces) – December 10, 2025
Neptune re-enters Aries – January 26, 2026
Saturn re-enters Aries – February 13, 2026
Saturn conjunct Neptune (NEW SYNODIC CYCLE) – February 20, 2026
Uranus enters Gemini (April 25, 2025)
We are all walking a path of great change and shifts of cycles ending and new cycles beginning. It is a good time to evaluate many things in our lives to live our best lives. From our thinking and perceptions all the way to what we possess in the physical world. Everything is up for re-evaluating its value to us. May this month bring you great insights on what is most valuable to you and how to confidently move forward in that new illuminated sense of self. Namaste. Bless this moment.
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