December 4, 2024 – Sharing Research Notes on Aphrodite and Cyprus Symbols a Quest for Understanding
Hi Everyone, it is, I guess today is Wednesday. Yeah, December 4th, I think it’s Wednesday, I have to share a story. And here’s my little she’s not really little, my key cat, Molly. Say, Hello, Molly. Um, I have to make a video for what I landed on last night. So um, from the search for the meaning of Cyprus. Why is Cyprus so important? I’ve been contemplating Cyprus and Aphrodite together. [clearing throat] Gosh, anytime I start a video, I start with a grumbly voice. Anyway, I was reading the detail in the Bridgerton (book) the other day, and so then I kept contemplating, okay, we see that in the book, not in the show, but in the book, there’s a lot of detail of Colin in Cyprus, his experience with the sand, the warmth and the wave and the foamy waves, and so Julia Quinn in her literary creativity is literally evoking Aphrodite through Colin’s experience, so his experience with that beauty, and having him in
generally, absolutely in the place of the birth of Aphrodite as we know her from the Greek myth. And the Greek myth is really potent because the symbolism, when I when I, go through the symbolism, we have imagery, right? We have an understanding of that through the mythology. And I don’t, a lot of people don’t, maybe think about how Aphrodite was birthed and born so from the, when they she literally has no mother archetype, except for she’s coming out of the ocean, the sea, and she’s birthed from the severed member of Uranus. And so that’s the sky god. And the sky god is, you know, when you bring in the mythology of Uranus and Gaia, which Gaia is Earth and so, but Aphrodite doesn’t have that connection, because she emerges from the sea.
So there’s something very heavenly about Aphrodite, just in that symbolism. And in that symbolism also is the swan, and so we often see the image of like Botticelli’s painting where she’s sitting, standing on the clam, the shell right, almost like she’s the pearl in the shell. I keep seeing all the symbolism, and I kept wondering, okay, Cyprus, okay, we see the birth of Aphrodite there. But then, when you go, when you trace back further, you can see that one of the first symbols of Aphrodite is her sitting, she’s on a goose, or actually a swan that. So there’s different types of Venus, I guess. And I’ll put this more concretely in the notes of the summary of this video, because I think the importance that I’m coming to is the symbolism around Aphrodite and her origins as far back as we can go, in the Greek that has the symbolism.
It was, it was like she came from another place as well, like she flew in on the swan, right on the goose, but she was birthed there too. So it’s almost like Aphrodite, the symbolism of Aphrodite went through some kind of rebirth in Cyprus and [clearing throat] there’s a excuse me, gosh, the Aphrodite symbolism, to me, is so multi-layered because of we have the Greek myth, and then the Greek myth then gets pulled in by Roman and so then we have Venus. And Venus, we know, in astrology, is also connected to Inanna. Inanna, when she’s Venus as a, you know, the planetary body that we see in the heavens, and from going from evening star to morning star in the retrograde process and how she goes into the underworld. So it’s again, another story about a process of, you know, life going into the in the world, like a death, and then the rebirth process that’s very significant, related to kind of what she symbolizes. And there is the Venus that is, there’s the Venus that is, like the sensuality and that focus. And then there’s also the symbolism with the dove. The dove is more like, almost like a spiritual Venus to me, and like a piece that kind of in that context, but Aphrodite, although has symbols in the Psyche and Eros telling, that’s a story that’s kind of it’s like a mythical story, like a story within the story of The Golden Ass, but the Metamorphosis, and I haven’t read that whole detail, but that is when you when I’ve been researching about Psyche and Eros it’s pulling on the threads of you can’t take it out of the context of what it’s trying to say within the whole within the whole story of The Golden Ass, and what it’s trying to point out about the main character, which is eluding me at this moment, to this book, this book I’ve been reading, and he [the author] goes into a lot of details about different ways people interpret that as either being like a folk story or a fairy tale versus a mythology. I had no idea about this. I’m not a classics major, but I mean so many different Jungian analysts and how they interpreted it, the telling of the story, and how some overlay symbolism into, like the spiritual resurrection kind of and so there’s a lot of overlay and how it’s interpreted. But it was kind of interesting that this whole book, which goes into all the different ways that different, I guess masters of classical studies or literature would or psychology, the Jungian psychology, would look at that archetype. And this was my original book here, all my books. So this was my original book here. And this is where it kind of gives you a really nice telling of of it in detail, with all the tasks that Aphrodite sends psyche on, because Aphrodite is jealous of her being recognized for her beauty in the earthly realm, right, and sends her on these tasks. And then, you know, Eros is sent to, sent to her, but to destroy her. But in essence, ends up falling in love, well, you know, getting nicked by his own arrow. Of doing that, and falls in love with her himself. And then there’s a whole process of, but it’s, it’s all like an allegory, of course, of symbolism and all of this stuff. But it’s like Eros in the symbolism of chaos itself. Eros is so, so far back in in the mythology. It’s literally in the beginning, kind of like Chaos and then, but it’s also desire and then, so it comes in like that as well. And then Psyche, being symbolic of soul. And so when I’ve been exploring the depths of this book, and you can see all my tabs, and then this book, but I kept asking myself, I always ask myself questions like, because it’s like, I’m not getting enough. It’s not enough to help me put pieces together. Why is this so important? Why is this symbolism pulling on so many things with Psyche and Eros in the storytelling of Colin and Penelope, and then how they use that in the Netflix story for Bridgerton, right? And this is where I can’t believe this is taking me all this way. And then I have this book that I wanted to pull together. It’s from Elizabeth, Elizabeth Brooke, who does a lot with mythology and astrology together. I found her online. I’ve been following her stuff, and she does a really great write up of astrology and showing its symbolism with certain unique people and that we have their astrology chart information for but it really kind of gives a great illustration of the symbolism of each goddess and Aphrodite is included in here. And then I have other ones that I’ve been looking at. This one, also by James Hollis, is the Eden Project. There’s some stuff in here. I have book after book after book that over time. I’ve read this book, but I read this book a few years ago, and this is a really good book. It called The Ravaged Bridegroom, and it’s also talked about the feminine and the psyche, from the psychological Jungian standpoint, because Marion Woodman is a Jungian psychologist. And what else do I have here? You can see all the bits and pieces I wanted to share, like all the bits and pieces that, and there’s another one I just purchased. I was looking at different books mythology, and I have purchased a few more because I am in pursuit of the symbolism, so because of how it may come across and what it’s trying to, excuse me, illuminate so. And here’s the other, another one that I also read a couple years ago. It’s called The Sacred Prostitute. And there’s another one that I have liked in this series, but I haven’t pulled it yet because I was pulling all my books. Um, it’s something I don’t have it out here. There’s another one in that series that is still on my bookshelf. But again, you can look at that one. It’s something about the bride, but it’s about the feminine and the archetypal. And all of this was because I was asking about Aphrodite. Every time I wake up, I’m kind of like, okay, universe, help me see more about Aphrodite. It’s all consuming. But I wanted to get to it because in the story for Eros and Psyche, and of course, this one, they call it a Amor and Psyche, the same thing, Eros and Psyche, Aphrodite takes on a different kind of symbolism in the archetype, because in this story, she’s bit of a dark mother, and I think that it’s important to kind of take into consideration the role that she plays as part of demanding that Psyche go on these, you know, going these, to do these tasks, and it goes into a lot of detail on each one, which is great, because every little detail is nice to have to explore the theme and but in the end, how this one kind of shows that story and how it kind of breaks out is that Psyche kind of fails the last task, because when she emerges from the underworld, because she’d gone to Persephone to get the, you know, something in the little box. And she’s not to look in the box, but she looks in the box. And I’ve said this before and then, but she doesn’t look in the box until she emerges out of the underworld and is on, you know, basically on the earth plane. So she’s out of the end the underworld and and on the earth. So she’s standing on the earth, right? And then she looks in the box, and then she …it appears that she falls asleep, or, you know, death, or something comes over her, right? I can’t remember explicitly how it ends there, but what is key there is that she fails, like by opening the box and then it’s and she’s also symbolic of the feminine in a way, and the feminine kind of almost surrendering, or the death of the feminine in some way, I guess that’s symbolic, not actual, right? And then Eros coming in and lifted her up. And then that Eros goes to Zeus on Mount Olympus, to plead for her, to take to bring her back, or something like that. And in that telling it, then she is raised up as a part of the God. So she’s like, almost like she’s mortal, and becomes immortal in that telling. And that, to me, is a huge clue about the death and rebirth process and the importance of that in for the soul, and that in, gosh, in the detail of Cyprus because it was Aphrodite and Cyprus. So why Cyprus? Why Cyprus? Why Cyprus? So when I would go look at Cyprus, I would be like, Oh, look, look at all the symbolism, the iconography that’s in Cyprus within the halls of monasteries and all of that. Right? So, okay, I am a I was raised in a Christian household, but I would not articulate myself as that exactly now, because I’m an astrologer, but there are probably astrologers who are Christian, and some lean towards, I think there’s something much bigger than just that. But I kind of, once you enter into the mysteries, you kind of go into the mysteries. And it’s not just the literal stuff that you get when you go to church on everyday teachings. It’s more complex than that. And there’s so much hidden in the mysteries and that you come to that awareness as you awaken to it, of the symbolism that is buried in the parable, and that’s in that sort of thing. So I just want to give you a little background of where I come from, because that was a part, part of my awakening when I came to astrology. But I think even before then, I kind of started releasing my connection to organized religion, probably in my late, you know, mid to late 20s, back in, I would guess that would be in like late 90s, because of what I had gone through that that’s a whole other story. But so my awakening has been several years. But astrology came to me in like 2010, I had dreams in 2009 and 2008, and numerology around 2008 just playing with it, and some other things. But it’s important to bring it kind of forward, to like what we get by sharing, by sharing, by the astrology. It’s, it’s almost like an invitation to initiation, and in its sorts, and the with the Age of Aquarius coming in. It is as in the Bible, pointed out as the man with the pitcher look that one up, and it’s important to understand now that the Age of Pisces is ending. So you’ll see a lot of things come around with the age ending, okay? Because you have an overlap of ages, right? But I think it’s important to, like, look at the stories and all of the Christianity is so much a part of the Age of Pisces, because of how the Bible helps relay that information about the ending of the age of Aries being so bloody and then the coming of kind of like having an Avatar on Earth, you Know. But what is real life and what is symbolism to the mysteries, and that’s the key here. And I think in the Age of Aquarius, more of this knowledge will be pouring onto the earth and through humanity, because it is the thing that will help us return to love versus the amount of fear that we’ve allowed into our experience. So because there is a balance of what we do because the ultimate power is love, and that’s what all of this kind of references. And you can argue that that’s exactly what if you want to take the Christianity from a you from the essence of it is about love, right? I mean, but it doesn’t always translate that way. In some of the experiences that people have had as it relates to organized religion, and especially not in the last couple of um not in, I would say, in across many years, I don’t, hundreds of years, hundreds of years it’s been organized religion has hurt so many people and souls, and those wounded from those experiences are born. You know, we incarnate in a body, and then we, we are living through our, so much of our life. You know, a great portion of our life is lived from the unconscious mind and the behaviors and the patterns and the the reliving of old wounds until we wake up to that, and then that’s the waking up process, and then that’s learning from that, and then learning about ourselves as we walk in this experience, but there’s the physical self, and then there’s the soul, and then there’s spirit, there’s these kind of different levels of yourself and what you’re connected to, and how you’re connected to, all that. I think if there were a deeper truth, it’s that and that. But additionally to that is the power of love as being the ultimate power that. But at times, it probably doesn’t feel like that, especially when you look at the news, it’s kind of distressing, right? And but what how we heal comes from the power of love. So in the exploration of Aphrodite, which also is symbolic of Venus, which is also symbolic of love and the variations of that, I think this is a really pursuit of understanding Aphrodite symbolism. And I, you know what? I also love words and etymology. And I was looking at the, you know what Aphrodite means, and it’s born, birthed from sea foam. I mean, that’s exactly what Aphrodite means. So one born from the foam, of one born from the seafoam. And so to me, there’s another layer there that is, so as above, so below, so below, as above. And there’s the other part, which is, as within, so without, etc, etc, so. And that part is, what else is the sea foam? What else is the sea foam within every person. I am still like. What is that? What is that in our physical body chemistry that is maybe connecting us to something of understanding that and experiencing that as Grace, because the swans are symbolic of it’s always often mentioned as beauty and grace, and then also that Aphrodite is love. And also with the symbols like she has, the symbols of herself and her emergent emerging from the seafoam and the clam being in the clam, which is almost like the The Birth of Venus with the clamshell, kind of like she’s in, she’s in the there, in the connection with clam and the pearl and the pearl of wisdom. It’s so many layers and it, and this is where I’ve come to, and but also when I was doing some of my research about why Cyprus, what’s in Cyprus, what’s so unique about Cyprus, and why Julia Quinn might have had Colin in his travels. And really relaying that in the book, and yet that’s not translated so much in the Bridgerton that was created for Netflix, right? We don’t, it’s not shared or discussed about Cyprus, but it is in the book. And when I was listening to the book, when I said this before, it really was like, in my mind, wait a minute, Cyprus was his first, his first visit. And so there’s something to the symbolism of Colin’s travels, about Cyprus and that he went there first. And then I was like, Okay, what? So there’s an overlay to symbolism, right? And so did you guys know that saints, oh, goodness, one of the apostles, Paul and his friend, Barnabas, is one of the first experiences of converting someone into the gospel of Christian gospel, I guess, or happened or in the record. So the beginning of the Piscean age is reflected in the story the telling of the beginning of Christianity.
So why is that so important? Why is that so important to like Colin and Penelope story? Well, Colin and Penelope story, they’re overlaying in the story in Bridgerton. So they’re making a tie between Bridgerton creation with Julia Quinn and Shonda another way of translation of her story, right? She’s, it’s fiction, right? But in within fiction, within literature, you can have stories, and in the stories, that is symbolism that can, when you’re awakening, you’ll, you’ll come to understand that the way that the symbols and messages from Spirit work can come in, any person can come in, any animal can come in nature, and you are getting an experience that is relaying something very powerful and probably synchronistic to you through nature, which is ultimately also God. But if this God in the physical nature, it’s, it’s the physical, seeing it in the physical way. But there’s also, there’s, there’s more to that than I’m articulate that I’m articulating in this moment, but put it there.
Colin’s journey to Cyprus as a first. It’s almost like the symbolism is a carry over into the Bridgerton, because the Bridgerton show began in 2019 and of course, before the Coronavirus, they filmed the first one, 2019 and into the very beginnings of 2020, before we all landed into quarantine. And it’s, I kind of look at the quarantine period as like, it’s almost the change up between the ages, because as new energy comes in, is going to give us the Age of Aquarius, and during that time, there’s a lot of information that’s being birthed. At the same time, there’s symbolism that I think translates to Bridgerton is kind of the Netflix show being launched in the very first season. Season One was launched on Christmas Day. What an interesting day, 2020, and and then, of course, in the writing, the writing that had to be in the script in season one included the seed of season three, but that wouldn’t come until 2024 right? But they’d have to start the symbolism within the script, within the imagery of Penelope’s gowns with the butterfly yellow, gold (Featherington) and all these things, because there is symbolism of Aphrodite also as gold. So, but in the show, it’s almost like Penelope is like symbolic of Psyche, though, in comparison to Aphrodite. Okay, you follow me so far. This is probably getting long, long video, but the symbolism of Aphrodite is very important in terms of she used to be called, she is called one of these (books). I’ve got to find it and make a note of it. Is what book it’s in. Is that she’s called the Golden One. She was forever called the Golden One. She also had the golden rays around her as well. So there’s symbolism for that, describing Aphrodite, okay, as the Golden One. And we have other moments of Nicola wearing a huge golden hat, but it’s in the form of a circle around her head in September of 2023, when she was at Vogue world.
So she’s carrying through Nicola, is like a vehicle as a, as a, as a human that is showing the symbolism of Aphrodite through some of what she does, it picks up, and it’s undeniable, and it’s the power of not only the Venus or the Aphrodite in her chart, but it’s and that she brings that out through art, or through the arts, or through the Libra archetype, because the Libra archetype is fashion, but also, I kind of look Look at fashion, makeup, that kind of thing as Libra, that’s Venus air. And then you have Venus Taurus, which is Earth, and that’s more sensuality, passion, that kind of thing. And I see that with Colin more, or excuse me, Luke, more, and Luke showing that in the world, though, Luke is also participating heavily in the Libra, and he has Jupiter in Libra, so he also shows the imagery and the symbolism in Fashion, through fashion. But these, these are symbols of Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the arts. So when they are doing the acting, when they’re they are cast into a part, they are participating in a part of what Aphrodite symbolizes as a goddess. So it’s the it’s almost like, I get the sense that it’s like Aphrodite laughing, like I got you guys. I got you guys so good, because it’s symbols through time that it doesn’t matter when you look at it, you can see it, but the way it comes out in 2024 is really loud and really just the symbols are again and again and again and again and again. They’re prolific. Is more better word, but it’s creation is also sound, right? So when we talk about the symbolism, or we talk about what their characters are doing when they go and they play these parts, so everything that’s announced, everything that’s spoken about, logos, spoken, the word throat, chakra, Taurus, and what it’s it’s create how it’s creating life and but it’s a connection to the mortal perspective, like what we are as living on planet Earth and going about our passions and what we do, right? And then also, there’s an immortal part, right? There’s a part of each of us that is immortal, that spirit, right? But there’s also our soul. Soul is in evolutionary astrology, soul is the part of us that is attracted to come to incarnate. This is part of the teachings of evolutionary astrology. If the soul comes to incarnate. It incarnates because of the emotional connection that’s soul, and that’s the emotional thing that it wants to evolve. And it’s basically returning to love and to know itself as itself. So it’s, it’s our connection to life in a way that is bringing the mystical forward more and into beyond what my, I guess, as we move more and more into the Age of Aquarius, the mysteries they’ve been so hidden, and it might be surprising how much has been hidden, but it’s rather I don’t know it’s very joyful to actually land on each little thing as I go, because, and we’re in the Mercury Retrograde right now, right when, I mean last night, when I landed on a video, and I’ll share the video, because I think you need a couple of videos to then have that video to understand so many things that I’m trying to pull together here and make it into something cohesive and coherent for you, because I have been pulling on the thread of Eros and Psyche, like Eros and Psyche absolutely brings in Aphrodite And so it brings in all the the myth and the mysteries connected to that. So it’s quite huge to try to articulate so much in a little bit of time. But hopefully, and I think what has happened, what I think has been birthed in 2024 through Nicola Coughlin and Luke Newton in the part that they played was those two together, and considering Gemini as a very important um, sign in the zodiac. But what that means, I am coming to understand Gemini in such a deeper way that I can’t even quite articulate it yet, and yet it is so, so important in the astrology of Nicola being her fifth house of creativity. It’s almost like she’s the embodiment of a god/goddess, right? And that through her creative works, we will be able to see some of the symbolism of that truth. And so I’m hoping this is coming across, to the level that I am excited about it, enthusiastic, joy, bliss. Because, I mean, last night, I was up and I landed on this video, and I’m like, Yes, this is what I’ve been looking for and it was like, one o’clock in the morning. Literally. I’m like, I think I woke up. My husband, he came and he’s like, Honey, you need to come to bed. You have to go to work tomorrow. You know, you’ve got responsibilities. And here I am trying to figure this thing out. And I’m like, Oh, I just landed on this piece of research. And I really want to watch this amazing thing she’s like, just come to bed, honey. So I went to bed and I put my headphones on my head, and I listened to the video the rest of the way while I was laying in bed. And it’s like stunning how much it articulates about the mysteries and the importance of Gemini symbolism and its connection to our truth, our deeper truth in living you know, incarnate, having a body You know. And so there’s the aspect of being a human, and then you have the soul, and then you have spirit. And this video really, really helps bring that in a way that is so beautifully put together, and it’s not that very it’s not very long, but it’s worth exploring, and I think it gets so much, it brings so much clarity around the power of Gemini and heavenly bodies that are the stars above, and that astrologers, and as I’m an astrologer, we learn about the Zodiac, and then we understand the mystery of what can be brought forward to help other, to be in service to others, to guide others, to guide other souls in their life experience. But it’s, it’s the translation of that symbolism, right? Because of the symbols, everything that everything is a symbol to me, and the images. And it’s, it’s the task of trying to translate it.
And that the swan I’ve been looking at all the swan imagery as well, is a part of that symbolism as well. So you will see the swan in the mythology, in the zodiac sign of the Gemini, and the twins. And the twins then get total of four. Both have a masculine, feminine, masculine feminine, one mortal, one immortal, and and the beauty of that, and what it tells and it should tell you, but maybe you need more study with it, or you might dive into it quickly. Here. This is like initiation, so you may dive in pretty quickly to understand what is being presented again and again. And I don’t think that consciously, Nicola Coughlin and Luke Newton know that they embody something like this. They are just living their best life because as actors, but they’re acting out certain things and on their own path of life there is symbolism, almost like the mirror that I’ve been talking about, and there’s something about their, their souls, and that spirit part, that I think has been leaking through for some of the symbolism, and that’s why we’re getting the mirror of it into their actual life. And that is fascinating. Is it not just, anyway, I this is already at like, 42 minutes, almost 43 minutes. So this is a bit, but maybe I can clean it up a little bit in the edit. But anyway, I think there’s, there’s still probably more to come, because I we are in the middle of a retrograde, and I’m fully aware of that. And today, December 4th. And when I looked at the astrology last night, was like, I’m landing on this What time is it? What is it? You know, I looked at one o’clock in the morning, December 4. And what did it look like, from where I on planet Earth, West Richland, and Jupiter is opposite Mercury, and Jupiter is at the top of the chart in the 10th house with mercury at the bottom of the house. It was like, oh my god, I’m getting this at this moment. And I literally took a picture of the chart because like, this is the moment. This is so much symbolism of importance for me, but I also think there’s additional insights that are yet to come, because I’m not all the way through, we’re not all the way through the Mercury retrograde. And this Mercury Retrograde is so powerful because they’re in each other’s signs. So Jupiter is in Mercury sign [Gemini], Mercury is in the Jupiter sign [Sagittarius], and what is coming from that, and with Saturn in Pisces, and Saturn in Pisces, to me, is almost it is square to that. So there’s this interesting juxtaposition of Saturn, and that could be also part of like, what might also emerge from this. It’s like, because Saturn is such an important planetary body is a part of our experience on Earth as human and what we are mastering or understanding. It’s kind of like when we’re born, a lot of, I guess, another, when you look at it, you kind of born, and then you’re gonna die one day, right? We’re all gonna die from the body one day, and then move on into another form. Is, I believe, we go on to another form, and then we are invited to come back. Now, there are different beliefs of people who have around reincarnation, but to me, that is symbolic of the death and rebirth. But the question is, is because then you layer in all the insights around the ages, like the Age of Pisces, okay, there’s the age of Taurus. And to me, there’s a little bit of the symbol, symbolism of the age of Taurus, also in the Bible, when they were, you know, …at the end of the age is where things become extreme. So when you come to the end of an age, you can have extreme expressions of the of that archetype. So at the end of the age of Taurus, you’d have extreme hedonistic expression in humanity. And they, they kind of in the story of of, I guess, when Moses goes up on the mountain and, you know, they’re building the golden calf, that’s kind of articulating, to me, the symbolism of the ending of the age of Taurus, because of how it’s described, right? Then you go, then it’s emerging into the Age of Aries. And so something pioneering, something new, but then it’s also conflict and bloodshed, because Mars rules Aries. But that’s interesting to kind of take into consideration something brand new birthed in the Age of Aries, right? Because Aries is raw energy, and then as that emerges, because when you go you process through the ages, then at the end of Aries, the age of Aries, you have the extreme violence of like the Roman Empire and and that period, and then it emerges into the Age of Pisces, and that’s when we get the birth of Christianity, and how that’s going to be carried through 2000 plus some years. And then where we are today, as we are at the end. Did you know the overlapping of the end of the Age of Pisces? And we can see the extremes of Christianity as it’s been, as it’s taken to an extreme right. And what we can see that and and the extremes of how it can get distorted as well, right? I mean, that’s kind of how it gets expressed. Kind of it’s like one last hurrah. It’s almost like a tidal wave of Piscean energy when you come to the end of an age. But the new age is emerging. And the new age is the man with the picture which is in the heavens, the sign of Aquarius. And so it is definitely that period of time. And what that is is really the awakening of all the knowledge. And so that, to me, means that the symbolism of what’s been hidden for [centuries]. I mean, think about astrology and other occult knowledge. Wisdom has been hidden because it was persecuted. People were persecuted for it. Women were burned for knowing. You know how having knowledge of healing practices, you know so many millions of souls were persecuted, and this is in our DNA, you guys, when we’re born, we are born with that that’s the ancestors and their experiences, right? And you if you look at your own, your ancestors, your tree and your ancestors, like just going back to my mother and her mother and her mother, and I kind of look at that line and look at what did my grandma experience? My grandma experienced the Great Depression, and that’s what influenced her relationship with my mother. But if think about it, my grandma was influenced by her mother, and her mother was a part of so my great grandma, Goldie, going back a bit here. She’s a wild child. She had five husbands and but she was born in the years when Pluto in Gemini, I believe, and grandma, my grandma, grand my my mom’s mom was born when Pluto was in cancer, and then my mom born in Pluto in Leo, may born in blue in Virgo, blah, blah, blah, but what I think is important is understand that it’s like a trail really… I’ve heard the number seven is important. So for seven generations, we can carry some of that into our own experience, and some of the things that we carry in our own wounds and our own experience, and that’s really the case. And I’ve studied my own family and their astrology, and I’ve done a couple of blogs on some of this, but I’ve also done some videos when I brought out my own grandmother’s astrology and my mother’s astrology, making some connections. I did that back in 2017 I think.
Anyway, I want to point out that the knowledge is going to come faster when Uranus gets into Gemini. And that’s next year, you guys, that is so soon, this is going to accelerate. And if you in the more that we’re looking into that information to have the knowledge the truth, because there’s a deeper truth, and when you get to the deeper truth, it’s going to reveal something about ourselves as being human, with a soul, with the Spirit, and that connection, and that’s all connected, and how we might navigate life, what’s the purpose of life? And that’s what I do when people come to astrology, I kind of work with the nativity. Your your nativity, which is your natal chart, the point and place you’re born on earth. You know that moment you took, first, took your breath, and then what that can bring to you and help provide some symbolism to help, you know, kind of break it down and like, Okay, this is like symbolic of wisdom that comes through the symbols. And that’s like the astrologer having, kind of an active divine, the divine [divination], it’s, astrology is a ninth house thing. It’s about, you know, divining with the information. I guess, because you can use, I mean, that’s kind of how, maybe why it was persecuted so much so. But it was something that was used by kings and queens, and there was astrologers, and even in birth of Christ, in the story, even if we look at it from literal, if people want to look at it literal, okay, even you can, but I kind of look at things allegorical and parable. That’s kind of how I look at things. But it’s the three Magi looking at the star. You know, what are these symbols in these stories? Right? Three Magi, pretty much you could argue that they’re astrologers, right? So that they are, yeah, anyway, I just want to point out that there is, you know, something that you can gain for your own knowledge about your soul, your soul’s intention this life, So you can kind of focus yourself into understanding your unique kind of like you’re it’s almost like having a compass of like, where’s my north? You know, where’s my north? Where’s my North Star? Where am I going? What am I doing? But to have more insights and knowledge from the symbolism of that actually helps you live, to live your best life and also navigate some of the challenges that are going to present as we navigate through such a unique time in history. I mean, just think of how powerful it is that you were born and as you’re an adult at the changing of an age, that’s super powerful. I mean, I was born in 1969 you know. And just to think that here I am, I’m 54 I’m going to be 55 this month, and I am living at a time when we’re literally seeing, we’re actually seeing the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Now some people argue that it’s just this overlay of 200 some years. You could say that I’ve heard 200 or 250 years, 200 years. But if, but I kind of look at the astrology of not just the astrology, but of just kind of like what my master teacher says, Stephen Forrest made the argument of when Einstein produced his paper for the E=mc2, or something like that, The the equation for relativity. And then you have, near that time the emergence of the first flight by the Wright brothers. So humans are getting flight. That is the emerging Age of Aquarius. And then within so many years, we are building planes and then heading off to space, right like this is the emergence of the Aquarian Age. Now in 2000 I don’t know when the first rockets emerged, but you get my point. So we are definitely and now we have rockets that have the ability to take off, but then also come back and land to be reused. So it’s an interesting point in time, but there’s technology about that’s out there, expressed in the physical world, but there’s also technology within yourself that a lot of people aren’t aware of, how powerful it really is, and how you attune to that, and the power of the word that we speak in the power of the photo chakra, and in this period of time, at this time, there’s another, I guess. I don’t know if you want to call him a philosopher. He’s a he calls himself, what’s the name? [Philomath] He calls himself. His name is Robert Grant, and he did a show on Gaia TV, I guess. And it’s about this, the Chi, Omega Chi, alpha. Omega Chi. No Alpha Chi. Omega. Alpha Chi. Omega and his findings within the Great Pyramid, and the importance of what gets revealed through the pyramid symbolism that he’s come across, what I get out of that is that the throat chakra coming online, and so what we create, because there’s our awareness of the consciousness of how we create through sound. And also part of this is the importance of, I guess, in the Rosicrucian’s it’s in this video that I came across last night is the power of play sonnets and plays by Shakespeare, and how we can practice through these plays, through being acted on the stage, these themes. So when we see actors on the stage, and in the contemporary sense, we see actors on not just a stage, like a physical stage, we see actors getting parts and doing something in their character development that they present, and then in that work that they present to us is something for us. [what we are practicing as humans] And that is why it was so important to see the connection of the swans and you see, and that is why it was so important to see the connection of the swans and the Gemini archetype and Nicola Coughlan’s chart, especially her fifth house and Luke Newton’s Gemini 11th house of friends and all of the Aquarius in his seventh house, that I have been connecting with Nicola as a co-lead, and why their combination, together, when they’re together, and especially in the uniqueness of the promo tour, has been so powerful, and I knew that it had something powerful because of all the symbols that were kind of really being prolific in May and June. And then they continue to create a lot of energy, but during that period of time, it was massive. So that is what I wanted to share with you all, because when you come across something so amazing as a bit of knowledge. Now you can have the knowledge, but then there’s the wisdom that comes from understanding that that’s when you understand deeply something, that’s where you get the wisdom, right? So I hope this is a sharing that you can appreciate. I know it’s a little bit of a raw form with me doing it here and just talking with my camera, with my phone, but I wanted to share it with you, and hopefully this is an opener for you, an opener to want to learn more. Want to understand how, through reading certain materials, I’ll share videos because, you know, I’m one person and I am an astrologer, and that’s my passion. I like to bring that to people, but I also can teach some things, but it takes time to produce each thing. I like LIVES on YouTube because it kind of can bring it quickly, without too much editing that needs to take place. But anyway, maybe that will be the case is, because when I doing lives, as you can tell from seeing the end product of alive, you know, it’s, I do, it’s over two hours and sometimes or three hours so, but I do share a lot within those, and I can always, I guess, splice them up and offer them out in smaller chunks for people to, you know,learn more anyway. I thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure sharing this with you, because this is a unique time, because this Mercury Retrograde is bringing me some amazing insights, and I continue to to learn myself and expand my awareness of the symbolism and how it ties together. I love it how things all come together. And I can see it as a whole. Thank you so much everyone. Have a great rest of your day. Bye.
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