At Astrology for Healing, you will be led by seven accomplished astrologers: Michael Bartlett, Gemini Brett, Tamira McGillivray, Juliana McCarthy, Marie O’Neill, Samuel Reynolds, and me, Sarrah Christensen. This Saturday Gemini Brett is joining us. You will want to save your seat at the Astrology for Healing Event, only when we contemplate our connection to […]
Interview with Gemini Brett our speaker for Astrology for Healing on March 27th
I recently connected with astronomer-astrologer Gemini Brett to discuss some highlights of his coming presentation ‘Temple of the Living Sky’ for Astrology for Healing 2021 this Saturday, March 27th at 9:00 am PDT. If you are not registered, you can still register for this event and enjoy the LIVE events which will include seven esteemed […]