Tonight, December 16, 2020, at 9:04 pm Pacific Standard Time, Saturn exits the sign of Capricorn for good until 2047 when it returns to the sign. This week is unique though in the heavens above us as both Saturn and soon Jupiter enters the sign of Aquarius. I’ve created two videos last night that are available to those who subscribe to my monthly newsletter, basically, you are notified in your email when I post to my blog. Perhaps you are interested to read about the general symbolism of the planets in transits that we are all in synch within our daily lives. Those who have had an astrology reading know the gift that is available within their own birth chart that holds the blueprint of the planetary archetypes that reveal life to you and for your soul in its evolution. If you ever wondered about life purpose or a deeper perspective on your relationships with family, friends, and the public astrology gives you clarity rich with meaning.
If you are interested to access the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius videos one is about 50 minutes and the other about 46 minutes, simply subscribed to my newsletter, and you will receive my Venus Gifts guide for free as well. A shared insight from me to you on the blessings of your Venus considering the zodiacal sign at your birth.
There is so much happening this week and into January 2021 I will be doing more videos to share the astrology symbolism for those who are eager to look at this closer and take notes on any questions that bubble up for you in learning more.
Namaste. Bless this moment. ~ Sarrah
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