Tomorrow is the new lunation in the sign of Taurus, and a partial solar eclipse on April 30th. I’ll write about the lunar eclipse on May 15th in the coming week. In the larger scheme of things, the eclipses are often felt and experienced with greater intensity. So be kind to yourself if you need to take time to reflect and center yourself away from the noise of life. It is good to shut off the wifi, your digital connection to the rest of the world for a bit, and enjoy nature and the simplicity of what is within your immediate environment. When we consider that these eclipses are within fixed signs there may be a disturbance in how we experience them, and with Uranus, as it is angular in the chart of this lunation and at the top of the chart we will really see some dramatic and public events not go as planned.
The eclipse on April 30th is a partial solar eclipse, occurring at 1:28 pm PDT (4:28 pm EDT). This partial solar eclipse occurs at 10 degrees Taurus 28 minutes.
In the fixed sign of Taurus, the moon partially will block the solar light, and from the west coast of the United States, this happens with the sign of Leo rising at that moment. Since Leo is the sign where the Sun has as its rulership, you can see how this will be intensely experienced like a shadow across the King. For some, this may be an actual ruler of a country that may have a significant fall from their power, an illness, or even death. A prominent Taurus personality will experience this solar eclipse dramatically.
Uranus at 14 degrees Taurus and angular heightens the unexpected powerful shift or unexpected events. The lunar north node in Taurus at 23 degrees in the tenth house (10H), meaning there is great visibility to this event(s) as well. Erupting earth or similar is a strong probability. The lunar south node in the 4th house is also a house known as the tomb. Mars in Pisces in the 7th house is one of the rulers of the south node in the house of known enemies. I wonder, who is this known enemy? OR what is the disrupting energy? Saturn in Aquarius at 24 degrees is within 3 degrees of the Descendant, opposing the Leo Ascendant square the lunar nodes is like the timekeeper that symbolically says something about our collective relationship with technology and the future too. What might be revealed during this solar eclipse this spring?
Saturn squares the lunar nodes may reveal challenges and conflicts with authority figures, or ideas that are not received well. We’ve already seen some of these themes emerge with mask mandates being extended for travel and events are given additional variants of Covid. Is it even surprising given the recent Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces where boundaries are but an illusion within our world on so many levels? Saturn in Aquarius squares the nodes at this partial solar eclipse, weighs heavily on the collective, because the Sun, another symbolic authority (including our own) can be overshadowed for a time.
Saturn demands discipline, work, focus, and responsibility. Saturn is not only that, it also lets us know the karmic moment of something in life is now due and is manifest in our lives. It reminds us all of the divine timing of things, whether we are ready or not. Not all will be negative, sometimes there are great achievements too after long hard hours of focused work. Consider the recent news of a French company building an exoskeleton that allows wheelchair-bound individuals to walk freely with this innovative technology.
Saturn in its domain in Aquarius square the lunar nodes is a turning point. Positively it is supportive through futuristic ideas becoming part of a real solution to a problem we have wanted to fix with an advanced solution. Negatively the shadow of the archetype emerges in life too, but it is brought forward for healing. We often only understand something to heal it when we are reliving the negative emotional experience that is ready to be healed. This may arise around themes of isolation, the objective mind, and where there is an opportunity to make a new choice. In our current world situation, we could place war, and war with technological advances that separate us from human suffering that is the outcome of any decision for war in the bucket for where we can make new choices collectively. Are we repeating themes in our responses to those who enact war? Are we still learning about our values when war is pursued? What is different in how we respond to war? What situation around INFORMATION (social media/technology/ truth or hacked) in the recent few years influenced the cause and effect of the war between Russia (Putin) and Ukraine?
I pondered my questions as I re-read a few pages in one of the astrology books I deeply appreciate. Consider the words of Liz Greene in her book on Saturn and Saturn in the air signs.
In Liz Greene’s book “Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil” she writes, “Saturn is dignified in Aquarius and exalted in Libra and is at least reasonably comfortable in Gemini. Seriousness, concentration, and stability are considered fitting attributes for the mind, and Saturn in air certainly offers these possibilities. The “scientific mind” – in spite of its dangerous penchant for narrowness and prejudice – is at present fashionable in our society and is responsible for the major technological advances of this century. We tend to place a great emphasis on logic and tend to look askance upon the intuitive or mystical approach to life, for the last two thousand years of history have demonstrated amply the dangers of the devotional path. This is one of the more extreme qualities of Saturn in air for when he is unconscious, he is a personification of the objective and scientific intellect in its most separative aspect. Yet these qualities are not truly those of air; they are rather qualities which result when air is not permitted its natural circulation and synthesis to and fro between minds and between people. The great difficulty with Saturn in air is that he may be accepted in this kind of sterile guise because it is currently considered the apex of normality. He may not be permitted to finish his task of destroying and rebuilding the values of a particular area of life, and the finer uses of his placement in air may never be expressed. Instead there is an ever-present sense of loneliness and isolation, a fear of the irrational elements within oneself, and a fine capacity for concentration and thoroughness which masks a sense of intellectual inadequacy or a feeling of social isolation.” p.55-56
What’s so interesting about Liz Greene’s sharing to me is that Saturn in air signs experiences or matures through mastery of the mind, which happens not only through a time of isolation for that focus of mind, but only truly reveals its mastery when it has the mixing between minds and people, like natural airflow. I find this idea rather interesting especially given the recent mass isolation experience for humanity in the last two years. We are more fully emerging now and without masks in most places, at least for many.
Consider how much we have learned about the importance of airflow for humans in indoor spaces during the pandemic social distancing protocols as an example – then create a metaphor for the health of our minds with the exchanges of facts and information not isolated, but between, and how this natural circulation and synthesis that promotes our evolution in consciousness. Consciousness evolves with our blending, the logical and objective mind with the intuitive and mystical. It is our bridging the two hemispheres of our brain as receivers! Our mind is so much more than our brain, and something we yet know so little about.
I suppose the bigger question is HOW do we do this blending when Saturn is in the air signs collectively, but also individually? I do not recall where I heard this recently (I consume a lot of videos and articles on numerous subjects) – but it is that our power is not knowing the answer straight away per se, but in our ability to form the right questions. Because the earnestness in our asking is the foundation of where we come to the answers. This as I understand it, is the I AM learning about itself, is it not? We are infinitely becoming in a finite world moving in and out of life incarnate. This is a statement that I think aligns well with the discipline of evolutionary astrology. We are not born as “blank slates” as my teacher has often mentioned. Who in your family do you call an old soul? Who is the new soul and why do we even have that sort of language? Where or when did it emerge?
When we ask someone, “What’s the matter?” We are asking about the material world – because our infinite Self knows, through understanding a larger perspective that may span generations, but more importantly, the Self knows our WHY. Sometimes our Self reveals this KNOWING in our dreams, or in clairvoyant moments. When I’m working on an evolutionary birth chart reading, I’m always asking why. WHY does this person have this chart, or why this planet is in this sign or house, and why does it have the attributes and aspects that it does. When I ask WHY the truth of the individual’s chart inevitably comes together, the patterns emerge with clarity and then I see what is rather elegant in the combinations that the soul has selected for its intention for evolving consciousness. Then I am able to understand how I may communicate the themes to the individual that is seeking an expanded view through their astrology and the moment of inquiry. When an individual’s life is brought into a sharp focus there is great potential for making leaps in their conscious awakening, and then growth continues when new choices are made from a deeper self-awareness.
The eclipses this spring bring us forward into some potential crises, some of which are related to our minds (mental well-being) and they are different for each generation given their outer planets, as well as their Saturn signs at birth. But additionally, this solar eclipse in Taurus may bring themes of our financial health into focus too. This eclipse also symbolically has themes of instability, where chaos comes into play. Consider how we reorganize ourselves after chaos. Consider how life heals in our communities that became destabilized for an extended period of time. Children emerging from the pandemic have fears that became conditioned during the extended isolation, and adults also with health concerns from extended stress and worry that were amplified for over two years. It is a process and one that takes time to release. We have all changed over the past two years, but I dare say we do not yet fully realize how much and in what ways because some things emerge much later than when the seed was planted.
Taurus is a sign of stability, and also simplicity with ways of being. With this partial solar eclipse, we may see increased concerns of supply chain issues, natural resources, rising costs of natural goods, and money markets in volatility (including cryptocurrency), but we will also see individuals realizing the dream of their first home too, or the new family pet that opens hearts too. Life is complex, layered, and we’re in motion, emerging through new understanding, and new passions we discover. Martyrs may reveal themselves in ugly ways too, just part of the cosmic moment.
The path for us to focus forward collectively is peace and stability, where the north node is at this time, but many do not realize that peace must come from within first. However, there is a growing number of souls that do realize this, and that influences our whole experience. The outer world reflects the inner world for each and every one of us. You may wonder as you are reading this – How do we give that to ourselves? We come to understand ourselves and our connection. The journey is about understanding yourself, and others give us the reflection of feedback. We come to understand how our lives, while unique, are woven with threads of the many souls we interact with across time as we create our lives. This unfolds through the choices we make daily. When we meditate, when we pray, when we walk, when we actively engage with the sacred space within us we are open. It is here we hear the questions emerge that propel us to our unfolding answers.
The Sabian symbol for the coming partial solar eclipse at 11 Taurus is, “A woman sprinkling flowers.” Blain Bovee reviews this symbol as care. Care in what one creates and this includes the responsibility for what the person puts into their creation. From your garden to your meals, to your body, to your life – how are you responsible for its care? What a beautiful image to consider for this particle solar eclipse. May this moment spark your curiosity to know yourself and the courage to ask the questions that your soul is bubbling to know. Life is such a well-spring, bursting forth from the height and depth of the mountains within us. Namaste. Bless this moment.

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