The season for eclipses is here with this coming new moon. On October 25, 2022, at 3:49 am PDT we will have a partial solar eclipse in Scorpio at 2 degrees zero minutes. Venus recently made its ingress into Scorpio from Libra on Saturday night after its cazimi with the Sun at the 29th degree of Libra. This past Saturday (October 22nd) I was enjoying time with my daughter all day for her treasure hunt bike ride with her friends and we definitely felt the beauty of Venus in Libra moment fully. My daughter was overwhelmed with love for her friends and family and I soaked up that moment with her. It is a precious thing to have those kinds of deep heartfelt moments. We had beautiful sunshine after it rained the two days before and the fall colors were stunning all day. The Sun entered Scorpio on October 23rd, happy birthday month to all Scorpio sun signs.
There is a shift in the mood as Venus entered the sign of Scorpio early on October 23rd (12:52 am PDT) leaving her sign of Libra. The Sun right behind Venus entered Scorpio at 3:36 am PDT), still cazimi, but now out of Venus’ domain of Libra. Did you feel the tension or mood shift to a more serious tone? As I write this, the Moon has been in Libra all day in the balsamic phase and will be in Libra Monday most of the day until just past midnight on October 25th the moon enters Scorpio (the sign of its fall traditional astrology). The moon, the sun, and Venus are all in conjoined in the early degrees of Scorpio will be an immensely challenging eclipse emotionally and especially for the feminine energy of Venus tightly connected to themes of the eclipse. We will see this energy shift across the collective human expression, we will see money matters reveal this theme, as well as the feminine moving through a transformative period of time. Venus’ movement is really significant with a new phase too, you can learn more about the Venus star through Arielle Guttman’s website HERE. Venus beginning a new phase while cazimi the Sun in Libra, a sign she has rulership is truly a significant period of time for all Venus ruled themes, which really is a new understanding of ourselves in relationships, balance, what it means to be harmonious, but also what we stand up for together, because Libra a cardinal air sign also has strong symbolism for social activism.
The Scorpio Moon is often experienced as the greatest intensity moon during any year, but when we have an eclipse also the dive into the shadow side of the human psyche is ever more intensely experienced. The shadow with a heavy toll on the feminine of all of us, but is more intensely experienced by those in the path of the actual shadow of the eclipse on the physical earth. Venus is really important here too, as it amplifies that experience of Scorpio. In addition to the eclipse, we have another planet slowing its speed from our perspective for retrograde, which is Mars at 25 degrees Gemini 25 minutes. Mars is the co-ruler of the sign of Scorpio and for this added element Mars is in the sign of communications, Gemini, also a symbolic sign for elementary schools, local communities, and trains, buses, and cars. When emotions boil over from what is said, there might be damage. Be sure your insurance is up to date.
The eclipse season is part of the natural cycle of our human experience. We are always becoming, and eclipses are often huge transformational moments in time for us. Humans understand so much more about the nature of eclipses with science, but we still have awe for their mysterious felt energy. Something within us senses the energy before whatever is unfolding and arrives in the full expression into the material world and our lived experience. The mystery draws us to explore matters that are otherwise hidden and require the focused attention that invites us ever deeper into life’s mysteries, and with this energy, in Scorpio (lunar south node) there is loss or surrendering something, even when the urge is to control whatever it is in our lives. Taurus is the north node of this eclipse, but the focus emotionally and for the soul is with the south node as the moon shifts to a new moon with the sun in Scorpio.
Mars will be exact at its station in Gemini on Sunday, October 30th, 2022, at 6:26 am PDT. Mars stationing will be something interesting to observe for sports, athletes, and youth (especially masculine energy expressions), the pause on our directions, and where we might focus our will. It also holds a theme related to soldiers being in opposition to the sign of Sagittarius. Mars at its station will be in a trine with Saturn at 18 degrees Aquarius 38 minutes. Mars will be retrograde for a few months, moving back to 8 degrees Gemini and will station direct around January 11-12, 2023 (depending on where you are in the world). Mars retrograde is a time to consider personal will, where you may have to redirect your passions or where you may be invited to explore something new that energizes your passion. Keep open and be willing to pause on major projects to review too, we are often invited to an experience that is internally focused when planets, especially personal planets, go through the retrograde cycle. It’s a good time to keep track of passions, interests, and new directions that may come. Mindfulness is especially important during any planet retrograde. Mars is a planet of action, but also a planet that can lead to conflict if we are not fully aware of the cause and effect of our interactions.
Saturn is stationing direct (as of Oct 22-23) and moving really slow, so this square with Uranus is a volatile mix! Habits with Saturn square Uranus in Taurus can be reviewed with scrutiny. The dynamic of change is intensified and exaggerated, so it is a good time to look at your habits closely. Perhaps you can break a pattern now and have a breakthrough to truly change the pattern. No matter if you use your free will (Mars in action) or not, you will see how Uranus will be the energy of the disruption! Remember that sometimes we are not in control and we are simply participating within a larger collective context, I think that is important to keep in mind. Dr. Niebuhr noted and is still wise, “God give me the serenity to accept things which cannot be changed; Give me courage to change things which must be changed; And the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.”
Saturn is like the pattern that has been at play in your routine for some time. There may be an authority figure that does not move forward as there are unforeseen facts or information that must be managed. It will take the time that Mars is retrograde to “get to the bottom of it” and that will be through January before there is clarity on it fully. Mars retrograde can be a bit hostile, and not necessarily interested in cooperating. It wants to do it own thing but is getting pushed back, perhaps put in its place by Saturn’s authority. Having astrology helps us have a cosmic view of the emotional landscapes we will navigate, especially so with Saturn and Mars.
Jupiter at 1 degree of Aries this week Sunday through Thursday as it backs in its retrograde to Pisces again (October 28) is magnifying the intensity of Aries, raw power, and with the spirit of individualism at the intensity of the Aries Point degree. Jupiter also re-enters Pisces its domicile and returns to the conjunction and same sign with Neptune amplifying the crossing of boundaries, vulnerabilities, and the potential for spreading of microscopic things by droplets (water). Mars at 25 degrees at its station is square to Neptune and Jupiter, and once again I would note that this combination makes for a rather challenging travel experience for anyone on a ship or traveling by water, but also vehicles, buses, trains, as well and perhaps near water. The recent explosion in Mexico is aligned with the symbolism of Mars slowing in Gemini (truck crash at the bridge and the explosion) and near water as well as the fact it was gas/petroleum.
The explosion at a gas station in northern Ireland earlier this month is another tragedy of this combination of Mars in Gemini (square to Neptune) too, but also the symbolism of Saturn and Uranus square getting tighter at 17-18 degrees of Aquarius and Taurus. I was in Ireland when we heard this sad story on the news. It is a tragic story too, loss of life and suddenly. I look at the eclipse season as a few weeks prior and a few weeks after the exact moment.
If you are curious about the shadow of this eclipse on the earth check out this graphic. Here is a great website to see the zones where the eclipses are mostly for October 25th.
Mercury enters Scorpio on Saturday, October 29th. The collective thought patterns move towards the depths, increasing our need to investigate, perhaps to ease our fears of what may surface. A spooky time right in time for Halloween. Mercury in the probing sign of Scorpio either sends us to explore the depth and psyche, or we do the opposite and focus on anything but that depth because it can be frightening! If you are willing to wade into the depths of your own inner psyche when the planets are in Scorpio you will discover the layers of yourself that you do not always give light to in your daily expression. However, be ready for some humble pie, because it will open up insights of yourself you may not readily acknowledge but indeed are part of your truth. We are all multifaceted, and by design that is a good thing for the layers and layers of complexity that are our human experience.
In about two weeks we have the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus. I will be diving into the symbolism and the planetary positions of the coming lunar eclipse moment in my next post. Happy Halloween to those who enjoy the fall festivities, and have a blessed Samhain. Namaste, bless this moment.
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