November 14, 2020: Scorpio New Moon
Lessons in Trust Juxtapose Betrayals
The new moon on November 14, 2020, at 9:07 pm PST is Scorpio, our fixed water sign. This new moon is ruled by Mars in its domain and power in Aries, now stationed direct and just barely moving, so it has a heightened presence in our collective experience. This lunar cycle will illuminate that which we most seek in our relationships. Trust. However, there are likely to be hard edges to that value in our closest friends and family, and perhaps business colleagues where we have built trust. As we all hear from time to time, “Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.” A quote from Marcio Caldellas, which is perhaps a statement for your sticky note thoughts for this month.
This Scorpio new moon might be a lot like white water rafting level four and level five in terms of emotions. It will be turbulent with extremes. This energy will require you to consider trust and vulnerability at deeper levels, and for this year that is saying quite a lot. Mars in Aries barely moving at this new moon tells you why that symbolism is the case. As the moon gains in light until the full moon on November 30th, keep in mind that the mood is rather thick with this tone.
Venus in Libra will square Jupiter in Capricorn on Sunday, November 15th late around 9:33 pm PST. There is some benefit exchanged between socially-minded Libra and responsible, duty-driven Capricorn, Jupiter in Capricorn amplifying that perfectionism. The more pleasant energy of this new moon is Venus in a perfect trine with the North Node in Gemini. We will find levity in humor. Humor gives us joy even in our darkest moments. Good time for dads to work on their dad jokes for the holidays, even though they may turn out to be a bit somber this year.
Mercury in Scorpio will oppose Uranus on Tuesday at 12:07 am (so just past midnight for those up late on Monday). This is can be an emotional verbal outpouring if not careful, within the theme in the polarity of Scorpio and Taurus. This may also be symbolic of poisoning of some kind or the unexpected realization of contamination. Life and death can be held in the balance if extreme. The energy may be that striking. With the 2020 pandemic growing virus cases it will be an unpleasant realization of this fixed sobering dark reality and the lack of resources to handle the surge, that is Uranus within the sign of resources (Taurus) and distribution.
Mercury is how our minds perceive, our thinking, speaking, and engagement. Keep in mind the tone of this lunar cycle, lean towards vulnerability, and communicating to strengthen bonds rather than words that weaken them. Mercury in Scorpio is an excellent combination for deep inquiry and research that is ready to bring it to the surface by the end of this month. Do your homework, it will pay off nicely.
The mood will lighten some when the Sun makes its ingress into Sagittarius on November 21 at 12:40 PM PST. Venus enters Scorpio on November 21st at 5:22 am PST. People will be wary of constricted choices and may make choices the week of Thanksgiving that might prove to be less than favorable, maybe even a choice that brings them losses in some way. Why? Jupiter is in the final month of Capricorn for another 11 years before returning to Capricorn on November 15, 2031.
Be wise with your physical movements and where and with whom you spend your time during this next month. If you keep your eye on the bigger picture, change is coming, movement is coming – do not jump the line too early as you will pay dearly.
If you are an observant person, you will clearly see the highest choice for you in the present moment. The best advice for life is to stay contained, restrict movement until the shift comes later in December with Saturn and Jupiter entering the sign of Aquarius. We are starting to get news stories that reveal that shift is coming. Do they catch your eye? From vaccines to be distributed to SpaceX launches for an enduring time in space, are just a couple of stories that give you a prelude to the coming energy.
Most of us have not been to a movie theater since March 2020. Have you glanced at movies that are planned releases for 2021? Often movies give us insight into ideas that were planned and inspired for the coming year. I wonder if the movies truly capture some of that Aquarian energy. If you get tired of quarantine, go peek at a few movie trailers for 2021 to get a perspective of that energy.
Jupiter and Pluto made their last conjunction in Capricorn this week on November 12th, the next time they conjoin will be in Aquarius, not this next year but in the first week of February 2033. What leaps will we make this Jupiter cycle? What lies ahead of us this next decade is an incredible period and that starts this December 21st, 2020.
Taking a moment to look ahead can offer stability and patience in the present moment. Like a chess player that observes the game considering several moves ahead, but truly makes the decision to take any specific action based on the real-time response and moves of their opponent. The more you are able to raise your consciousness to that point of view you decrease your vulnerability to the present persistent storms. Visionaries help us see the future potential giving us an aim for our focus. It takes practice to have the vision clear in your mind and having your feet firm in the present to feel and hear the whisper of directions toward your aim.
Neptune in Pisces adds to the water element of this new moon in Scorpio, from the aspect of a trine at 18 degrees retrograde Pisces, and moon and Sun at 23 degrees Scorpio. Escapism will have open gates of entry this week and next. If you are the grounded one in your social circle, check on your friends frequently this month. For sensitive people, it will feel like a wound is exposed or is exposed in some exchanges at this time. Mindfulness is always your highest choice to stay balanced. The lunar nodes are increasingly square with Neptune in Pisces and add to the fated feeling of this moment.
If you are deeply committed to your inner growth, this lunar month is good for writing in your journal on experiences of vulnerability, of how you gauge and measure trust with those in your life and if you have had recent or past experience with betrayal it is a good time to explore in reflection what tipped your experience into betrayal. Actual actions or the lack of actions that took place with an individual? Or was it related to something that was said or not said? We grow through acknowledging experiences where we can change our own behavior or releasing expectations of another and forgiveness across the entire experience. It is not an easy exercise, but I think worthwhile in moments of reflection and seeking to improve lives and relationships.
May this lunar month illuminate what you value in your enduring relationships and with other relationships improve with a new sense of what matters most. Namaste. Bless this moment.
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