Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 3:32 pm PST a new moon in Sagittarius begins a new cycle. The last new moon of 2023, for many of us, there is likely a sense of relief that 2023 is nearly over with hope for some sunshine and uplift and inspiration to come in 2024. This new moon has many challenging attributes and I recommend finding ways to remediate the challenges, some suggestions will follow for those inspired to explore.
This new moon in Sagittarius is at 20 degrees 40 minutes, with a recent conjunction with Mars at 13 degrees 20 minutes of Sagittarius the energy is ripe for challenges to our beliefs, to philosophy we have long held, arguments are a potential especially with the moon out of bound at 27 degrees 22 minutes declination. An out of bound moon is beyound the ecliptic band of the sun, so it is like an amplified emotionally charged moon. In Sagittarius, it will manifest as the need to be right, and will be more fired up about being right or righteous. So keep that in mind as you go about your days between this new moon and the full moon on December 26th.
Another possibility to explore with this fiery Sagittarian energy is to explore subjects of beliefs, or religions around the world, where has religious beliefs led us collectively this past year, where are we headed because of them? Have your beliefs taken new paths that shed old ideas and gathered through profound experiences new ones? Of course, given the earlier note about being right, I’d keep this exploration to a trusted friend as the debate on these subjects could get quite dramatic! I honestly wonder how the world will take action to help people who are in deep survival mode. There are many that will stand up and be heard about the atrocities of recent weeks, and laws and ideologies (Sagittarius) will be challenged with great fervor (Mars). Sadly this energy of Mars in Sagittarius with this new moon is wide for a conjunction but still in a 7 degree orb, is the fighting and war activities at international borders.
Mercury is stationing for retrograde exactly at 11:09 pm just a few hours after the new moon. This is the last Mercury retrograde year, and the last of the earth signs beginning in the earth sign Capricorn, and will visibly trace back into Sagittarius where it will station direct in three weeks at 22 degrees Sagittarius on January 1, 2024, at 7:08 pm PST. Mercury is also out of bounds at this new moon which makes this retrograde cycle more erratic and trickster. The out of bounds declination for Mercury is 24 degrees 01’ below the ecliptic. This Mercury retrograde may reveal failures, reversals of long held commitments or arguments, it can be a moment of revelation on corruption in law or higher education. A few authority figures may need to bring in their best PR team, as there may be the need to polish up their image from what sneaks out of the shadows this month.
Venus is in Scorpio at 9 degrees 42 minutes separating from the recent trine with Saturn in Pisces at 1 degrees 47 minutes. Venus is conjunct with the strategically wise Pallas Athena. Covert, perhaps cunning, Venus in Scorpio seeks its desires with a seductive magnetism. It has an obsessive quality to its friendliness. Our minds may draw forward feminine themes of sexual attraction and the desire to possess within the storyline. Venus by sign (water element) is in flow with Neptune in Pisces at 24 degrees 54’. Venus is applying to this trine with Neptune over the next two weeks adding an easy flow that will feel quite chilled out vibes around the Christmas holiday. Saturn in Pisces may amplify our need to self isolate. Focusing on our breath, meditation and stillness support us to move beyond our routines. Venus is opposite Jupiter within three degrees (separating) at this new moon. Through conscious attention we may carry ourselves into devotional transcendence. What moments of stillness may you create that carries you into a higher vibration and connecting with spirit? If feeling stuck emotionally, a joyful response is giving from our hearts, we feel this as it deepens our heartfelt connections with meaning. Only then may we feel whatever held us in sway dissolve and refresh our spirit. Saturn in Pisces is our devotional disciplined devotional acts that embody our love and lead us into transcendence.
Jupiter in Taurus is retrograde at 6 degrees Taurus 08’, with Uranus in Taurus at 19 degrees 55’ retrograde. Jupiter is coming towards the end of its retrograde cycle and in the next two weeks slowing down before it stations direct on December 30th around 6:40 pm PST. Jupiter is supporing Mercury in Capricorn with a grounded trine energy. Look around, who is your helper? Can you see the little or big acts of kindness to keep things organized right now? Perhaps you are the helper? You may be the grounded loving energy that holds the family. Be sure to enjoy the fragrant evergreens at this time that will boost your spirits. As Jupiter stations direct, at 5 degrees 34 minutes of Taurus there is a stellium in Sagittarius with Venus, Ceres, Mercury (retrograde), and Mars adding a unique amplified philosophical teaching moment for us all on the value of LIFE. Venus in Sagittarius with Jupiter in Taurus are in mutual reception. There is a message for us all about preserving beauty, blessing others with our voices to give them freedom, a real choice for actual living. North Node in Aries is in a trine to the Sagittarius stellium, and the messenger planet Mercury. Some say wanting or desiring peace is not enough, some say it takes brave action to LIBERATE people to show the world there is LOVE and forgiveness.The moon in Leo at the moment of Jupiter stationing directly adds to the visibility of love in action. What may you be inspired to share with the world as part of your unique voice? If you are the Messenger, what words are you offering?
Uranus in Taurus at 19 degrees continues its inward perspective of liberating energies. Uranus is trine within a degree of the feminine asteroid Juno in Virgo. There may be spontaneous purging closets. More it may reveal in the conversations in our partnerships what acts of service provide us the feeling of being loved when the tension of the holidays surfaces. We may approach our relationships with an eye of critical analysis of what is going well and what is not as Juno also is squared by Mars in Sagittarius.
Neptune in Pisces squares this out of bound new moon. It can be too much water over the boundaries, it may be foggy, it isn’t clear. Careful with how much you or your friends imbibe this holiday season. Losing one’s senses is a real danger here. Having fun, but too much can lead to misfortune. Neptune is dissolving, reminding us that the boundaries of our existence are quite illusory. One day when we are out of our bodies (when our life has been lived), Neptune reminds us that there is infinite space we are part of, never separate from it is just our forms, our divisions we have created in this 3D space to understand something about ourselves as we evolve. We wanted the experience! We wanted the five senses. And when you go beyond the limits of the five senses, there is the beautiful all…which we are a part of, we just play the game of forgetting. One thing is certain, we humans are social creatures, we need each other to survive, to thrive. The best illustration I can think of for this is the beauty that comes through symphony. We are learning more about this need and how to evolve with our shadows of separateness every day.
Pluto in Capricorn at 28 degrees 48 minutes is slowly finishing the transformation of the conscious constructs that we have given shape to over the past 248 years, around themes of authority, demanding perfectionism, what systems we value in our collective society (leaders) and frames of civilized society. We are nearing Pluto returning to Aquarius where it will be between January 20 and September 1st. Pluto finishes the final sweep through Capricorn September 1, 2024 through November 19, 2024. Take inventory of what Pluto in Capricorn has meant to you and your personal perspective for where Capricorn is in your natal chart. What has transformed for you in your life since January 27, 2008? (look at your chart where Capricorn is). In the United States we will have another presidential election with Pluto in Capricorn at the 29th degree (anaretic degree, or in other words, the degree of fate) with Mars in tight opposition at zero Leo. Something will truly be ready to bust wide open in the US leading up to and after that election. And Mars with power in fiery Leo trine to North Node (first, pioneering, maybe potential for instinctual moves of raw energy, possibly covertly with the Sun in Scorpio). Let’s just say next year’s election cycle in the US is bound to be unhinged. More on that later, I intend to keep my spirits up for my family this holiday season, even though it has been a formidable year for so many.
This new moon in Sagittarius will undoubtedly bring an urgency towards liberating a new belief, the desire for understanding through higher education, higher knowledge. The catch is how hard it will be to navigate to truth, many obstacles on the path. Do you have astrology, tarot, have you been devoted to yoga? You will be more grounded than many because you know how to see beyond the maya. Have you been practicing the countless ways and paths to your wisdom from within? Ask from your heart for guidance, your spirit will guide you, ask for signs, then take notes, keep asking, listen and observe and joyfully participate with something that is always ready to reveal more to you. Namaste. Bless this moment.
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