A new lunar month begins at 1:00 am PST just an hour after midnight tonight beginning a new lunar cycle March 10, 2024. A Pisces new moon is imaginative, with thoughts of faraway places and adventures. Dreamy Piscean energy is mixed with the constraints and responsibilities of Saturn. Just a cosmic moment in the vastness of life, and one that has many unique and challenging currents. Many frustrated human souls striving to create change and shake off an old paradigm. Many suffering from an overwhelming violent and conflict laden reality. Sometimes the last few layers of an old paradigm are the hardest to release. And some beliefs of the old paradigm will overflow into new cycles, that is how things may repeat and come again for us to evolve. The nature of evolutionary intentions and opportunities for us to individually and collectively change. However, with a few significant transits over the next few years I have faith in the future, as I look at many youthful faces. This year Jupiter starts a new synodic cycle with Uranus (liberation) in the fixed sign of Taurus. And in 2026, Saturn and Neptune start a new synodic cycle in Aries at the Aries Point degree (pioneering).
I know we may not see this emerging change yet in the mainstream media, but I see it through my daughter’s eyes and the eyes of her peers. There is a fire there that is forging something for their future, something that is more aware and awake of the larger systems of life and how these overlapping systems co-exist and require our stewardship. I believe our younger generations will and are shaking the old foundation (GenZ, Millennials, Generation Alpha) and we will see the old shifting, dissolving, crumbling, and something we have not yet dared to dream has space to emerge. Do you realize we have another generation coming in 2025? Generation Beta is on the way! Generation Alpha is incredible and will be highly educated and will be unique in how they apply the new technology for a better world. Millennials are already making impact and as they mature well past their Saturn return and into their Uranus oppositions coming soon. Note that Uranus enters Gemini July 7, 2025, ( will continue to reshape all parts of our collective systems. GenX will emerge in the new cycle as the world leaders as the aging Boomer generation will be fading more into the background, in the care of their GenX children. Be an observer of generations and how they act and display their power, you will see these emerging changes. The differences between GenX and the Boomer generation leadership will be quite different. And for the next twenty years while Pluto is in Aquarius we are just beginning that transformation and how it will be framed from different perspectives of our humanity. I think this interview with Jean Twenge, a Professor of Psychology at San Diego University, with Katie Couric is pretty good on the topic of generations, especially how people shared their feedback and comments on the video that display the differences of the generations.
Let’s not forget Pluto’s final spin in Capricorn this year September 2nd (8:07 pm EDT) through November 19th (3:29 pm EDT) for another 230 years. After this year’s final transit in Capricorn Pluto will not return to Capricorn until February of 2254! Imagine 230 years into the future, what will humanity have in the history books then about this time period in history? Interesting to contemplate, right?
If we live a full life based on current life spans we may be fortunate to live 85, maybe 90 years, and perhaps as we move through the next 20 years we have more people living past the age of 100 years of life. Even then it would take 3 or so full life spans (several generations) to reach the next Pluto in Capricorn. It’s a Pisces new moon, so it’s a good moment to imagine different realities, different points in time. Imagine time traveling forward to see what life looks like in 2254. Now imagine back in time 248 years ago, ten generations, our ancestors were giving shape to an idea that was new, to create a government that was shaped by the people. That idea that was created then is coming full term to be reimagined in many ways. Of course our nation has had many growing pains, but this year, this moment is rather unique for us living in the United States of America. We are examining our foundations, we are speaking up about what is not working, we are striving to create significant changes. Some things may evolve and transform and some things will be painful to acknowledge as part of a national identity that has been created over time. There is a unique opportunity, but it requires a significant amount of acknowledging exactly where we are collectively (by nations and by global citizen points of view). Which ideas will die? How much do you think your voice matters in a collective moment like this? How will you engage your Mars using your self-will? How will you as an adult rise to the needs of this moment bringing your knowing, your disciplined approach to support the whole in taking care collective system responsibilities at hand via your Saturn? How do you take time for your own healing so you can emerge again?
Mercury in Aries at 0 degrees 23 minutes brings Mercury out of the foggy banks of Pisces and into Aries where communications and thought patterns are more direct and ready to face any conflict. Mercury in Aries is all about action and is restless to get it moving! As Mercury separates from Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces Mercury’s intensity will be more exact, more inclined to respond with instinctual energy. Mercury while in Aries will apply to the North Node and Chiron, both at 17 degrees Aries. The conjunction will open up karmic wave moments of intense reaction. Most important with Mercury in Aries the self-will is purposeful in its pursuit of new experience. Mercury is exact with the North Node on Tuesday March 19th (right before the Sun’s ingress to Aries the next day) and Chiron on March 20th around ten in the morning Pacific daylight time. The Moon in transit will also activate the North Node on Monday, March 11th.
The conjunction Mercury makes with Chiron is active within a degree of the bigger total solar eclipse April 8th that occurs at 19-20 degrees Aries. We will see immense dynamics over the next month as we approach the total solar eclipse, that will have a dramatic impact on communications, how people are expressed, and unfortunately can be an increase in violence (as Mars will be applying to Saturn) and that energy combination all building towards the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction April 20th. This month and next month are the most active in astrological transits this year. Having an awareness of where Aries-Libra axis, Taurus, Aquarius, and Pisces are important to understand your own experiences of life will be and how you uniquely navigate these archetypal energies.
Venus in Aquarius at 28 degrees is tucked between Mars in Aquarius at 20 degrees and Saturn in Pisces at 11 degrees, so Venus ruled Taurus and Libra are challenged by this energetic position until Venus makes its pass beyond Saturn. Venus will make its conjunction with Saturn on Thursday March 21st at 12 degrees Pisces. This is a day to express yourself artistically. Venus in Pisces for painting, photography, music compositions and cinematography can capture something with a unique emotionally intense perspective. For example, the photos from photo journalists in conflict war-time landscapes at this time will evoke intense emotion and will reveal more the darkness of violence and suffering. What may bubble up from within you that once expressed feels like an incredible inhale and exhale that takes you deeper.
Mars will enter Pisces on March 22nd during this month. The edges will soften again, however Mars applying to Saturn in Pisces intensifies our collective urgency to respond while we are emotionally processing it to something in the world where it will take a collective effort to make the action actually happen. There will be issues that prevail about borders and getting aid to some people (Pisces humanitarian), there are logistical issues that must be overcome.
Jupiter in Taurus at 12 degrees 59 minutes continues applying towards Uranus in Taurus at 19 degrees 52 minutes. We have seen the dropping of aid into Gaza with tragedy in that effort, as a mundane expression of this archetype of how supplies are getting beyond a border and other logistical obstacles. Evolutionary speaking Jupiter is expanding and will be launched next month into a breakthrough (or even breakdown) moment. There is likely something that will trigger us during our coming eclipses. This is challenging terrain to navigate for many souls, but our intention is to find our way to a more stable reality, but we working towards that as right now is rather volatile.
Mars at 20 degrees tightly squares Uranus at this new moon in Pisces. With this aspect between Mars and Uranus we have collective groups that have sudden changes. You can see this within the United States in politics as certain politicians fall out of the process, or the intensity of the situation of this year’s presidential election as it continues to build. With Mars and Uranus we all are having a direct hit of intense scrutiny that has unexpected consequences.
Every soul plays a part on the stage of life, we all have uniquely individual experiences, though larger themes are part of our experience as well and how they impact us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Saturn in Pisces is sometimes a yearning for an escape to another reality, or having to manage and persevere through limitations. It is also amazing in the structures of beautiful poetry and musical compositions that captures something of the emotions of the complexities of living life. This is a dramatic and emotional period of time. It will be a period of amazing art and compositions too.
Saturn in its synodic cycle with Neptune are in the waning crescent phase of their synodic cycle. This waning crescent phase in any planetary combination is about reflecting on the cycle that has happened, integrating that, acknowledge what you cannot un-do that is manifesting in our third dimension, but knowing the importance of pulling back energy to prepare for the next cycle that will soon begin. For Saturn and Neptune that new beginning is February 20, 2026, at 8:52 am PST, when a new synodic cycle begins Saturn themes and Neptune are amplified and will be emotionally intense and endings, things will manifest swiftly as the cycle completes.
To reflect on the synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune consider the following period of time. November 13, 1989 to February 20, 2026. A span of 36-37 years to explore how we collectively interacted or faced authority, or how we became the authority coupled with themes of dissolution (borders) and structures (the cycle began Capricorn). Reflecting in your journal over this month on the macro view of the Saturn-Neptune synodic cycle can be a revelation for your personal connection and themes of this cycle from your unique life and experiences. From my personal point of view that is a view of my life just after high school, my education, all the relationships that were key to different paths I’d take, births and deaths of people in my circle, moving from religion to spirituality quite dramatically near my Saturn return, to my own healing that had to emerge through wrestling with my own shadow and unconscious patterns. It is one tough practice to look hard at ourselves, but from a macro view it is really a good exercise to see how we evolved or got stuck in patterns, but more importantly to see our light across the span of time. What driving passions and intentions lit our fire to engage with life?
What’s interesting for me as an astrologer is to look at someone who was born near the beginning of that synodic cycle to learn more about how the cycle has manifested in their life. One person born December 13, 1989, just a few weeks after the cycle began is Taylor Swift. Whether people listen to her music or not, she embodies something unique about this Saturn-Neptune synodic cycle in her art forms and creative expression. Others born at that time you might explore are actor Nicholas Hoult (Peter III-The Great), Bethany Hamilton (pro-surfer), The Weeknd (music performer).
While this month is unfolding, take time to write, to paint, to express what you are feeling. Get into your feelings and with your hands on your heart acknowledge all that you feel. Let emotions flow if they arise and then take time to be creative for you. As creative beings we have much to allow through at this time that shapes us and informs us for where will emerge in the new cycle in 2026. Consider your generation and point of perspective. Consider your individual desires, feelings, and emotions. Consider the point of perspective you feel, engage with and give shape to in this third dimensional reality. Take time to contemplate and reflect on the collective awareness and vibes as well. What do you see? What do you feel? Where do you want life to emerge with greater focus? Reflection is so important for us all. These reflections all shape us and how we show up to be when we actually take time to integrate what we have experienced and what we have learned, what we believe (and has that changed over time) and where we envision ourselves in the coming cycle.
What is unique about this reflection is that in 1989 at the beginning of Saturn and Neptune synodic cycle there was also the unique energy of Uranus in Capricorn and Venus as part of a stellium. Venus in Capricorn in that synodic cycle chart I like to describe as a stoic queen managing resources as one perspective, but with Venus nestled between Uranus and Neptune at the beginning of the cycle it is not surprising to see themes of yin principles dominating, money, currencies, resources, aid, and the issues we have seen around women’s rights prominent around the globe positioned to dissolve and have breakthroughs, though not without challenging obstacles on the path with Scorpio stellium opposing a Moon in Taurus. Venus in Capricorn is also what emotionally has us constrained with Saturn around beauty or feminine ideals. Consider Venus themes within (yin) cultures in contrast to Yang (warrior) like cultures as well. It is so profound what we can bring through our understanding about ourselves collectively when we approach it from the macro view. Zoom out, get a new perspective and it will help you at the individual micro level of how you may navigate challenging moments. A good reminder is this active synodic cycle of Saturn and Neptune closing has added Uranian sudden events and themes of liberation. For some this will also mean losses and also getting a view of what has been boiling beneath the surface with Pluto and Sun power controls. Your soul has a unique point of view in the macro and how you share it makes an impact on the whole.
As you sit in meditation or artistic reverence this month contemplate what is your balance of yin and yang energy, how are you using your self-will (yang) where do you show up bravely and couple that awareness with your desire for beauty, agape, and life supporting communities for humanity (yin). Imagine a world where resources, responsible power are balanced as you explore how you may connect to the whole presently and for our collective future. Namaste. Bless this moment.
image credit: ID 178821011 dreamstime.com
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