New Moon in Capricorn, Tuesday, January 16th at 6:17 pm PST (9:17 pm EST) is within a few hours. It feels like this is the New Year, the beginning to a jam packed work filled year. Looking at the pile-up of planets in Capricorn at this New Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith, Pluto, Moon, Sun, and Venus! I’ve not seen this many planets in Capricorn since I don’t know, except looking at the Saturn return charts of some individuals on my Saturn Return project #upthemountainsaturnincapricorn, so I have a sense of awareness of this loaded line-up from the work I’ve been doing with the group since just after Christmas. Where do to begin? Capricorn is more than hard work, duty and responsibility and maturity. It’s the hermit, the hag, the crone, the elder, the teacher, the master. It bears so much more than we realize, but Capricorn also has a depth we forget too; remember it’s not just a goat, it’s the Sea-Goat that also is part fish. And one of the best talks on Capricorn I’ve listened to recently came from Jason Holley that goes deep into the myth we’ve somewhere along our path forgotten over eons of time. You may find it now in Astrology University from his recent webinar on January 13th. I won’t give away the details, but I do recommend it highly for anyone who has significant Capricorn planets or angles in their chart.
I’ve been pondering what I really wanted to say about this Capricorn New Moon, and it’s perhaps a little humorous that I felt the urge to work around the house to get there. Sweeping, mopping, and cleaning counters, laundry and general putting my house in order after a few days being out of commission with not feeling well. I’m also taking care of my daughter who held a fever for five long days before it finally broke today, so now it’s nursing her back to wellness and getting rid of the phlegm and coughing. It made me think, you know what, Capricorn is like that, doing all the things that have to be done, even when you don’t want to do it, because it’s part of being the responsible adult. It’s being a parent, taking care of the needs of your children, but also doing the work, the job that pays your income to keep the roof over your head, the heat on when its cold outside and food on the table. Being an example of what it is to be an adult is one of the best things you can offer your children. It’s just as important as the nurturing and self-care part. If you are a parent, you know that what you model to your kids is often what they pick up as the “how-to” for later as they grow into maturity. If we’re not directly teaching them things that will enable their success as individuals, then we’re failing them. I have a tile in my kitchen that says, “There are two things you give your children, one is roots and the other is wings.” How perfect is that for 10th house and 4th house perspective! The wings in this is their ability to do their Capricorn, or essentially to rise to their tenth house potential in adulthood, whatever that will be.
It’s tough with new things we have to deal with that our parents did not, so we are on new ground. How to manage how much technology or screen time is one of the new considerations. Capricorn is the sign in the natural zodiac at the top of the chart, the peak, a place we grow to over time and effort. We often have to take in new information as it relates to how to handle the terrain. Capricorn is known as the enduring sign, living towards accomplishment and attainment of a goal. Imagine how hard that would be without a real heart-focused goal or dream! So Capricorn also has something to do with how we use our creativity. I listened to Vanessa Couto’s podcast on the New Moon in Capricorn and its excellent, go listen to it. Here’s a snip, “Mastering the creative process, I think that’s a Capricorn superpower to discern what it is really efficient for what we want to accomplish. And so the creative process involves deciding, how to proceed, what to leave out, how to marshal, how to harness the materials that we have to accomplish what we have set out to do. But, you can’t be too rigid, while at the same time have to be sort of firm enough to go ahead. That’s the interesting thing with the creative process, I think that is the dance, the paradox of Capricorn, to know when not to be too rigid, when not to ‘eat its own children’ and when to allow the creativity to flow. So that requires self-mastery.” *Vanessa Couto – Liminal Journeys podcast January 15, 2018.
Inspired by Vanessa’s words of wisdom and my own around Capricorn I’ll be sharing the work I’ve been doing this path month in the next week as I start publishing to my blog the UP the Mountain Saturn Return in Capricorn stories of several individuals I’ll be writing about over the next three years. I hope you enjoy learning about their personal stories, their nativity and their questions and thoughts as they maneuver one of life’s biggest cycles. I’m grateful for their sharing and allowing me to creatively share their experiences. I was inspired to do the project the day after Thanksgiving. More people are finding astrology and I think the heart-felt sharing of life experiences will give insight into how astrology provides guidance, self-awareness and a way to work through blocks one might have. It can also offer hope as one looks at future potentials if going through a difficult period in life, as often we do. It’s a project I am quite excited to do allowing my creative to come through in sharing their stories, but also something I may grow from in ways I can even fully see yet because it is a long-range project. A perfect project for my natal tenth house Mercury in Capricorn near the angle of my midheaven.
After the New Moon I will be sitting down with my journal and my coloring pencils to create a vision with words and color for the coming year. I like to give it a day or two for light to start on the new moon, allowing it to be sparked by spirit. Are you also creating a plan or a vision for yourself for the coming year? What have you included? So often the idea for something to work towards comes in a flash, just like my experience after Thanksgiving. I had another idea I was planning on doing, it is still in the works, but this one jumped at me and I ran with it and it definitely is living up to the Capricorn theme for work, long-term project goal and I’ll need to figure out as I go my own resources to complete it. I may stumble a few times, that’s just part of life, it’s how I get back in the game and keep going.
Jupiter at 19 degrees and Mars at 24 degrees in Scorpio have an enduring quality to offer this New Moon in sextile to Capricorn at 26 degrees 54 minutes, from the sextile aspect there is connection and visibility. Saturn at 3 degrees 14 minutes rules Capricorn. Exploring the Sabian symbol for 27 degrees Capricorn is “A mountain pilgrimage.” How perfect is that symbol for this New Moon? Wow. Sometimes the Sabian symbols just blow me away at how perfectly they speak to something we’re looking at in a moment. It reminds me that when you’re at the base of the mountain you don’t always see the peak, and especially as you are traversing the mountain. It helps to keep that in mind, that even though we may have a vision, we may go several switchbacks unplanned to eventually reach our destination. Best wishes for the enduring journey and may your new month be filled with a few items crossed off your checklist, energy for the work you’re doing and the simple pleasure felt in each accomplishment. I’ll check in again when the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on Friday night, January 19th, around 7:10 pm PST juicing up our future considerations, our humanitarian passions and our engagement with technology.
*Image credit: Capricorn the Goat – Ramani Astro Art
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