Monday at 2:27 PM Pacific Standard Time here in the Tri-cities and the west coast on December 30th, 2024, we have a new moon in Capricorn at 9° and 43 minutes this new moon is a moon of endurance and responsibility end of our internal devotion to mastering the awareness between the material world and other realms. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and with Saturn in Pisces at 14 degrees 26 minutes. This new moon and Saturn are in an aspect at a sextile (60 degrees) which is an aspect that gives activation in a creative and supportive way for the Capricorn energy to play out this month where you devote your time in solitude. If you are working with others there is some negotiation of how you work together, and communication is required to address the gray areas, but it should be noted the importance to be in the flow this month the sun is in Capricorn until January 19th 20th and the new moon in Aquarius on January 29th, 2025.
Capricorn New Moon
December 30, 2024
West Richland, WA
2:27 pm PST
We start off the new year from this lunar cycle that starts as a late December new moon. Jupiter is rising in Gemini especially for the West Coast. Saturn is square the energy of Jupiter in Gemini with Mercury also waning its opposition with Jupiter and alsoa waning square with Saturn, in short tricky energy as Saturn poses the restriction a bit on feelings and movement. Communications and travel, even how we understand something if it’s true or not can pose challenges of interpretation at this time. It’s important to go back over information and reflect on it and understand the sources of for the truth. There is your individual truth and there’s a collective truth that we are perceiving and experiencing together so this lunar month may be a good time to consider what has been questionable in any information and truth that we have been receiving or consuming lately. There may be uncertain news stories or even that we may consider relative to our personal beliefs that frame our interpretation of something. This is a period of time where we are collectively examining events and people things of an unknown nature, we will be seeking answers to know how things are appearing to us individually and collectively. It is a tricky time as some people can get caught up in experiences based on how they perceive information that has been given and shared in recent times that need further investigation, as the abundance of Pisces energy has veils that will open up other perspectives in late March and in mid-May this year. I’ve recently made a YouTube Live for astrology of 2025 (Part One) which you can watch here.
Additionally at this time Jupiter rising on the Ascendant of the moment of the new moon we have a trine of energy with the mid-heaven with Pluto’s at Aquarius at 1° one minute continues to be transformational for us in the beginnings of our relationship with this with some new emerging technology. With Saturn and Neptune in Pisces it may be that things are on the horizon that have been creatively veiled to us and those veils will be dropping in the coming months with first Neptune and then Saturn ingresses into the sign of Pisces. When Neptune enters Pisces on March 30th that is the beginning of the ending of Neptune in Pisces era, though by retrograde in 2025 it has one final sweep through, reenters Pisces October 22nd while retrograde. Neptune will reenter Aries again January 26, 2026. We won’t understand the how some endings will take shape until Saturn enters into Pisces on on May 24th, 2025. Saturn and Pisces and Neptune in Pisces will have specific expression around pioneering ideas emerging in technology, but also dealing with and managing our expressions of how we deal with conflict current conflict and past conflict collectively. This may appear in the world as rising tensions across different people in different countries the difference now his how will it unfold turn on younger generations being active to influence changes. Younger generations will be gaining influence in having an impact on how that will actually appear with the millennial generation and the Gen Z generation. This changing paradigm of experience will activate collective groups of people in ways that we have may be experienced in the past, but this time there will be unpredictable ways that were not the behaviors of the youthful protestors of the 1960’s. This combination of activist will offer us some mirrored perspective on the past, with patterns appearing similar to 1780-1800’s. Remember, we are given the choice and how we use our free will as individuals on the collective idea democracy.
There will be opportunities for people to transform the collective experience based on new information and insights our knowledge about how we are connected. Chiron in Aries at 19° 0 minutes is right on the degree of the eclipse of April 8th, 2024, so this activates something within us about our right to exist as we are, our human selves and what it means for us being individuals in this collective humanity. This degree in the Zodiac is amplified from the place of the eclipse of April 8th, it points our perception and our expression as amplified, it can feel as if the fire energy as part of our individual existence the fires within of strife are fanned with the recent classism challenges we are seeing more clearly. Another planetary combination fanning the flames of conflict is the energy may be amplified by Mars in transit opposite Pluto and Aquarius. Mars in Leo is polarized in boldly expressing itself, poised well for brash transformation with it facing off with Pluto. We will see this in the storylines of the news, across social media platforms especially the waving reality of TikTok within the United States. Collective voices will demand change, because when millions are connected through a medium like TikTok, possibly earning income, as well as other social media people will gather and speak their voice to get the change they desire. It will a quickening quality, as the more voices that speak up to enact changes, their will be increasing realization of the collective impact people do have. Something collectively is poised for a paradigm shift in a big way those in power. People in power positions visible, or not visible will be struggling against this empowered voice of the people consider the repeating pattern of the history of the United States from our humble beginnings. There will be high energy releasing on how people and ideas were being structured to create the United States of America. And also at this time we will see similar themes in France. Our allies in France also had a significant uprising from the people against oppressive powers in the 1789-1799 . These patterns are repeating from the position perspective with Pluto leaving Capricorn recently on November 19th. We are wading deeper into the age of Aquarius and now Pluto will be in Aquarius for 20 years. During this time we as a collective we’ll explore new ideas, we will refine and update laws, we will create new technology and expand our understanding of how we are connected. We are poised to discern what is right for our governing bodies, but it may take some painful growth to get to that position. There’s so much that will be analyzed and reviewed at this time and renewed and updated. Our understanding of who we are is shifting, consciousness is embracing evolutionary leaps, this is something we can see with astrology the light that is coming with certain planetary movements. Uranus in Gemini is a fast approaching new era within the element of air and will trine Pluto in Aquarius. It will be July 7th, 2025, though in part of 2025 there will be another sweep through the last degrees of Taurus too. Uranus settles into Gemini for the 7 year stretch April 25, 2026. These two planets Uranus and Pluto in air signs will be the lift off. It will be cerebral and a lot of learning, but it will bring new ways for us to support civil societies that also enable individuals human rights.
It’s the beginning of the ending chapters on old paradigms. The big changes will continue showing up in 2025 and into 2026. However, I would say 2025 is the more rollercoaster ride year. Remember, sometimes rollercoasters are fun – but you need to scream sometimes to let out the amplified energy! At times it may be scary for the unknown paths, but 2025 is setting up 4 planetary changes for both collective and individual consciousness changes that will take us in new directions. The year 2025 will be a year that you want to take notes because it will be the year we will historically look back on as a unique significant year in our collective change OK several outer planets they’re changing signs and in retrogradation retrograde back into the sign they are now gives us a hint that things will emerge and then flow back to the past to clean up experience and with a new appreciation and understanding of ourselves. Uranus is initially leaving Taurus and entering Gemini on July 7th. Uranus will reenter Taurus and still be there in the first quarter of 2026, when Uranus returns to the sign of Gemini and once again in aspect with Pluto we will have a quickening of technology advancements in all the sciences. Artificial intelligence will also make leaps during this time . It is possible we will not understand the implications of this technology creation probably for some time. Our unconsciousness will be pushed to integrate so much in a short period of time. As we push forward and tracking on “catch up” to integrate that awareness some people may wonder about other intelligence that influences ability to grasp new awareness with the increased technology technological advancements. One key truth to bring to this is (click the link to see the full detail of this)-– as above so below, so below as above, as within so without, so within as without. It’s a unique time to be alive to consider these things and experience these things while in the physical and the opportunity to experience it all of the transformation and evolution of mind, body, and spirit.
Make this month a month of envisioning life with greater equilibrium, societies structured in greater justice, fairness, and supportive of all life and humanity. Consider the last time you actually pondered what reality might look like might feel like might sound like and even how the future vision of life tastes like! Something new is emerging. How are you participating in that vision of what is we are becoming?
Mars reenters cancer on January 6th so this will increase our sensitivity inward focus in our interest to protect and nurture those we love and care about. It’s important to be mindful of our homes and safe sanctuaries. Being aware of the external world outside your homes and of your inner circle. Consider how much access you give to others that may disturb your focus, and your peace. Be careful not to be caught up in someone’s drama. Take care of your boundaries so you are stronger in your energy day-to-day. The full moon is on January 13th at 24° cancer 00 minutes. At that full moon, just a few hours after the full moon will make a conjunction with Mars which will amplify the feeling and desire to protect something we care about it may also activate people with distortion, so energy may express through increased frustrations and anger. It will be a time to be sensitive to understand, empathy and compassion will be needed for supporting others. It may be for some important to know when walk away and ask for a prayer of patience.
It is a month of reflection, and getting back into routines, showing up with our focus on our responsibilities. Many of us will be reflecting on the leadership of the past and what is lining up for the future in various aspects of our lives. In general it is always a good time to be an observer of how leadership behaves in response to the collective voice right now, it is likely then you will see repeating themes from the past. Be well and bring your light to the world. Namaste. Bless this moment.
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