New Moon in Capricorn, Friday, December 23, 2022, at 2:17 AM PST (5:17 AM EST) at 1 degree 32 minutes Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is Three stained glass windows, one damaged by bombardment. This new moon in Capricorn is in a tight square with Jupiter in Aries.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn angular (for west coast US) within the 4th house of the new moon chart. The rising sign Libra (here in Washington state where I live and along the west coast of the US) shows us where everyone in this region experiences the lunation. From our regional perspective, Venus is important as the ruler of the rising sign of the New Moon from our experience of it. So I like to ponder, what is ripe for manifestation from that lens? Intimacy with roles of responsibility defined within a commitment is one perspective. Another theme is social laws that have feminine themes in the media (Venus in 3rd) especially potent with black moon Lilith opposite both Venus and Mercury and Pallas Athena opposite Pluto.
Mercury and Venus also conjunct Pluto at varying degrees of an orb, but still within range to be important to consider the power issues that may be part of the conversations, communications, or perceptions that are amplified. With the Sun and Moon in the 3rd house as well I consider that even more amplification of the energy around communications, thought, perceptions, our local communities, and what infrastructure supports them (including the services, the budgets, the personnel that help us manage our cities and counties, the systems). It can be extra cold in the Northern Hemisphere, Saturn in its own sign, but also the stellium in Capricorn, a lot of Saturn energy cold. There may be more fires, electrical fires than usual with Mars in Gemini still retrograde, and Jupiter is now amplifying Aries a cardinal fire sign. So have caution with electric outlets or aged electrical appliances.
Around the globe we all have a slightly different view of the New Moon as the rising sign will vary wherever you are in the world. So the power of the new moon will vary for different places. Have you ever been curious about how that may look or be experienced by a nation or a region? Here are a few examples:
This New Moon in Capricorn at 1 degree 32 minutes square Jupiter in Aries is dynamic. Traditions perhaps get exaggerated with this aspect, but more the energy of individual voices and desires. There is a tension with the square, that can be ironed out with thoughtful Jupiterian energy. If courage is needed to do something there’s energy with a positive push from the universe.
There is an amplification of the Capricorn archetype with Saturn strong in its own sign. This can show up as a sober feeling at holiday celebrations. But more the days after the holiday celebrations can feel like “doing the duty” to get through the moment for others. We may realize that we are cocreating our reality. However, at the same time, we bring our histories moment to moment so this influences our feeling of nature at any given time. Wisdom teaches us to support ourselves in any moment, we surrender to exactly where we are at any moment. When we allow ourselves the full presence of a moment it brings us whatever a moment has to offer our lives, it then shines through with more clarity and brightness. Any moment has the power to bring us a gift of divine grace.
At this new moon the wishes we make while together with loved ones may be more potent than at other times, but also the energy of melancholy or disappointments, simply because many holidays celebrations and gatherings will be under new moonlight and cardinal energy too – which is an energy that manifests things in our lives. Traditional holiday music may have us thinking about our traditions, why we celebrate certain ways with our family, and the beginnings of those traditions, a Capricorn new moon has that quality of looking at the time, or considering the time across the years. Traditional long loved stories may have something new to us in their themes and messages. Our appreciation or need for a traditional experience may be important more than usual. But also the need to perhaps add something that is more connected to a world we are creating that we envision as “doing it better”, is also part of the energy, because Saturn is in the future-focused humanitarian sign of Aquarius.
At this new moon consider what traditions may be important to you and how they invoke a certain feeling for you. You may be pondering your traditions across time. It may be that you do less or restrict something because it does not feel the same way, and that is okay. You can make a choice that fits your energy. It is better to be authentic to yourself than to fake it. Being with others that allow your authentic voice leads to more interesting conversations and then more important moments for our soul as we realize something for ourselves. Give yourself permission to be real and to be present, consider that moment as part of a string stretched across years in time. One moment 10, 20, or 30 years ago pulled into this moment can reveal something to you about yourself that no other moment can. May you find meaning that only you may see from a time distance and realize the special messages only meant for you. Namaste. Bless this moment.
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