Today is Friday, December 24, 2021. I am “working” today like many others across the globe, though to be honest I’m doing the bare minimum and it is rather quiet online except for holiday greetings being shared, which I’m truly grateful for a slower day. My astrology is a part-time endeavor, though it has picked up more with my new role as a tutor with the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology (FCEA). This last week I wrapped up my first cohort of tutoring and it was fun and pushed my teaching skills into the online format. I am a double fire energy (Aries Rising and Sun in Sagittarius 9th house), so I really enjoy in-person teaching for astrology; it just isn’t the best option yet given our ongoing collective story with the pandemic. As an astrologer we knew whatever was coming in for us collectively in early 2020 would be long and enduring given the archetypal mix when Saturn and Pluto came to the conjunction. And here we are almost two years, in a few weeks, and we’re still in social distancing routines and wearing masks, luckily with science, we have a vaccine that helps. Even though that is the reality of our day-to-day lives we press on, stepping into a remix of dreams as we continue to adapt to the present moment.
I’ll get into the astrology of the moment in a moment, but I wanted to give those of you who read my newsletter some updates too. Being I’m in the holiday mood and slowing down it just feels right to do so. Who among you still write end-of-year letters to friends and family? I used to do that, but as social media and online was so prevalent to just turn on FaceTime or something similar to chat with family and friends it slid into the past as a practice of days gone by. My husband did a brief letter to his family letter catching them up on the news of our family experiences of this past year. He has a grand trine of earth in his chart, and rarely online, so maybe that’s why. I’m glad he did, it reminded me of this exercise of sharing our experiences and taking a moment for reflection that actually is put down in words and thoughtful musings. So here I am, musing on past Christmas letters and the desire to share a lot more with you as well.
My own life took a few twists and turns this year, so I’ll share briefly, though some of you who have read my other new moon newsletters may have made it to the personal notes section of my newsletter and know of these changes. To go chronologically over 2021 I’ve learned a lot about myself through various projects I’ve picked up. I learned in producing and hosting my first online event what my strengths and weaknesses are, and I’m not an online savvy writer for production. Painful but true. I can say I did it, but it was really heartbreaking at the end of it how much energy it took for what I was able to realize and I came out of it with substantial financial losses. At the end of it, I was exhausted, feeling a little defeated and then I needed to turn to self-care as I felt depressed for a few months. I sat with my melancholy and dug in the dirt. I find gardening quite soothing to my soul. I planted blueberry bushes, flowers, strawberries, and numerous roses, and a few new trees in my yard.
My summer was spent getting sunshine, bike rides, and the biggest change in my daily routine was changing my day job. I’m a technical recruiter by day – astrologer, tutor, gardener, avid reader, and doodler more in my time away from my day job. I had been with a company for over seven years (Saturn cycle) and with changes due to an acquisition, I felt it was the right time to change who I worked for every day. So I went on contract with another company, a very big global company, and took a role that I knew I could jam on fairly easily but would re-energize me. And it did. I knew something would change while I was in that new job (as a contractor) because I had taken that job while Mercury was retrograde. One of the advantages of being an astrologer is I understand that energy and was glad to see how it unfolded. Self-awareness of our relationship with the planetary transits is invaluable! I got an amazing offer. So after about 7-8 weeks at the big company, I gave my notice and then landed the job I have now. I’ve been recruiting now for over 26 years, it will be 27 years come June of 2022. I’m grateful as it has been a good career to bless my home and family with stability, as well as, higher education, astrology events, and travel experiences. I feel good where I am and that I’m saving for my daughter’s college education, which will be in about 3 ½ years.
For my astrology practice that also has been an interesting year. More of my time will be spent as a tutor for the FCEA next year. Also, next year I will not be doing my astrology event, but I will in 2023, and may elect to do it every other year on odd years. I took time to consider what I love doing for my astrology practice and started focusing more on those specific things. We only get so much time in a day for everything. As a mother, wife, sister, and daughter I am with many women that feel rather exhausted by life’s changing directions, but also what it takes to emotionally be present for all those who are home more often. Finding solitude is ever rarer these days for me and I’m sure many others. I send you to love because I know how precious that time alone can be for self-care.
Winter Solstice Chart
On December 21st the Sun entered the sign of Capricorn and the moment of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. The sun was within about 3 degrees 43 minutes of the rising sign of that moment, since the ingress was at 7:59:30 am PDT. The astrology of this winter season is Saturn focused, Capricorn as the rising sign with Saturn in Aquarius and in its final square with Uranus in Taurus. Today that square is exact and then we will begin to separate from those squares. In a few days, on December 28th Jupiter will re-enter Pisces, 11:09 pm EDT, 8:09 pm PDT. Jupiter made its ingress into Pisces earlier this year on May 13th, though it was only there briefly until the retrograde cycle it moved back into Aquarius on July 28th. Thinking back, during the time Jupiter was in Pisces it felt like we were finally emerging out of the pandemic. Many astrologers figured that it would be short-lived before social distancing would be required again as variants required another level of adaptation to the situation. What does this coming Jupiter in Pisces show us as potential? Well, we have another variant still in its early stage across the globe. There’s likely another adapting moment for humans and that may open things up but also be the cause of problems on public health. As Jupiter moves to a conjunction with Neptune on April 12, 2022, at 24 degrees Pisces, we have a strong potential for a really significant peak, but also an opening of imaginative breakthroughs too. I am planning to take that month to set aside extra time for my meditation, dreamwork, and creativity.
Venus’ Retrograde Station – December 19, 2021
Venus Stations Direct – January 29, 2022
Venus is presently conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and transforming our relationships with authoritarian figures, but also our sometimes stoic responses. How many of us have said the phrase, “I just don’t care anymore” about something that has been long endured recently? Do share, I love to hear your stories! Venus will station direct on January 29th at 11 degrees of Capricorn. What is highlighted for you at 11 degrees of Capricorn? Or 11 degrees of Cardinal signs? Personally, Venus stations direct on my Midheaven. At the same time Pluto is square still to my Ascendant-Descendant axis. Still grinding on a deeper transformation of my public persona and career, but I can see in reflection one new aspect of that with the job changes and really taking time to consider how I want to be in my public life too. When I sat down to change jobs I took time to figure how many years I’ve left in working in the corporate world and the big goal to support my daughter’s college education and a few trips before I retire into more full-time astrology. I mapped it out, Saturn stuff. So, I know what I’m planning to do and why I am doing it. Doing that exercise helps me stay focused on the path and makes it easier to say no to things that I might consider but do not align with that vision. Perhaps you want to do that for yourself and do it with an awareness of the astrology that will be supporting those dreams and goals. I welcome to be your astrology coach and guide with those bigger themes as part of my astrology practice.
Mars is in Sagittarius now, giving us that desire and passionate push for our sensual side and our freedom-loving carefree spirit. As a double fire, rising and Sun sign person, I am grateful for Mars in Sagittarius right now. Last night, the mean nodes moved from Sagittarius-Gemini to Scorpio-Taurus. Did you feel a shift? I’m noticing I am considerably inward facing with the south node on my natal Neptune now. Also, the nodes square my natal Mars in Pisces too, as I have a Mars (Pisces 2 deg) square to Neptune (Scorpio at 29 deg) in my nativity.
Lunar Nodes Shift December 22, 2021
The lunar nodes are such a powerful axis in the transiting planetary mix, and when they shift it is like a big shift similar to a planet shift because the themes shift. The nodal rulers now are Mars and Pluto for Scorpio south node and Venus for Taurus (which is interesting with Venus at the moment retrograde conjunct with Pluto!). I’m sure there are some dramatic stories that go with this shift, I know I’ve read on the newsfeed several that align with that powerful shift, I’ll save that for later.
Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces Conjunct 2022
The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces in April is a major event in the planetary transits. How are you going to ride that wave? Astrology is one way with artist interests blended. Perhaps water therapy to go deeper into your healing journey? Or oracle reading and imagery that you discover a new vision for yourself. Who likes to do vision boards? I’m creating a vision board class in April that will be incredible and fun too! *Hint, gather your images over this winter and join me then to do your own vision board. Ceres is in Taurus with the North Node right now. How will you nurture and nourish your feminine energy? How do you allow your grief to breathe for what has been lost or where you have consciously let it go? And how do you nurture your own serenity and peace? Ceres on the North Node is prompting this from within our psyches. Re-birth and nurture!
It is always a pleasure to share with you and especially one-on-one with readings for those feeling it is right. Astrology has been one of the greatest gifts of my life and I am grateful to share it with you. May your holidays be cheerful and safe and your new year be blessed with renewal and vibrant life and joy! Bless this moment. Namaste.

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