Tonight, April 26, 2021, at 8:32 pm PDT the moon reaches full phase. This full moon in Scorpio lit with the steady light of the sun in Taurus brings us to a moment of inner reflection. This full moon may highlight a new level of awareness around our lives within the lens of our emotional intelligence and what we allow in our lives in the flow of daily living. This moon is bound to bring up deep discussions, maybe you will discover new areas of life where you feel vulnerable that you had not fully registered before now. You may feel the pull to a quiet space to reflect on your experience and what matters to you now. Meditation may reveal something in the stillness that you had not realized was deep beneath the surface of your mode of plodding through whatever is asked of you but without a real zeal for anything. We are shedding layers of our old selves, this could take some time.
Venus separating from Uranus in Taurus is also part of this full moon, creating a more electric mood within the polarity. Venus wants stability and beauty and Uranus shows up to bring in the unexpected. Mercury also in Taurus at 16 degrees enhances the desire for peace and slowing down a bit. With Venus at 15 degrees and Uranus at 10 degrees, their midpoint is tightly square to Saturn in Aquarius. What interrupts the quest for peace and serenity for you? Is it your own thoughts of the past? Or an uncertain future? Or is it absolutely real in your present moment? A gentle reminder that if we return our focus to the present moment we may find that our worries are outside of the present moment. The Saturn-Uranus square is noticeable at this full moon for many and it is breaking open what has long needed to be renewed. You may ask yourself in your personal reflection or with a trusted friend, or in counseling — why is it healthy to shed the old belief, the old pattern? And the next question perhaps is — do you have the courage to surrender the habit or situation in order to open to a new phase of life? The T-square of Saturn to this full moon will be challenging for anyone with early fixed sign planets and angles.
A few days ago as I began writing this newsletter my husband shared something that he read in an article in the New York Times that I have not heard in quite some time actually — the word languishing. Languishing means you are not doing anything, you are not going forward, you are stalled, but also with the meaning that something is eroding a bit, like a plant that does not get watered, or a patient that does not get better, but not immediately dying. The New York Times states in this article this word describes a sense of our collective human condition enduring this pandemic as a psychological condition. A state of being perhaps not fully in depression, though some people are enduring depression too, but the description for a broader perspective which is the state for millions of people right now. Have you found yourself weaving in and out of this kind of feeling and experience? This full moon in Scorpio is likely to reflect a mood that draws this into your moments of reflection.
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At first, I didn’t recognize the symptoms that we all had in common. Friends mentioned that they were having trouble concentrating. Colleagues reported that even with vaccines on the horizon, they weren’t excited about 2021. A family member was staying up late to watch “National Treasure” again even though she knows the movie by heart. And instead of bouncing out of bed at 6 a.m., I was lying there until 7, playing Words with Friends.
It wasn’t burnout — we still had energy. It wasn’t depression — we didn’t feel hopeless. We just felt somewhat joyless and aimless. It turns out there’s a name for that: languishing.
Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021.
As scientists and physicians work to treat and cure the physical symptoms of long-haul Covid, many people are struggling with the emotional long-haul of the pandemic. It hit some of us unprepared as the intense fear and grief of last year faded.
It is important to note that many of us have been experiencing this kind of languishing. I think with this full moon it is easier to recognize. Acknowledging when and where we are in any given moment consciously is important. Our society often does not readily accept or acknowledge the need for humans to have time out, where the inner world is highlighted and we listen more intently to what we feel. Most of us need the space to allow it to surface, but a culture that drives progress as a constant lacks the value system that honors such phases of our human experience. Every experience we live is important to the fullness of our life.
I have written half of this newsletter at home and then the final writing while I am on vacation in Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast, a place where I return to my inner world away from my day job and home routine. I am fortunate to have this time with my husband who brought us here for a few days, which my soul finds quite soothing to the rhythm of the waves out our window and space to not have anything that must be done. I dream more when I am without the daily routine when I am on vacation. Our dreams reveal many things for living consciously, which I like to delve into when I have ample time and space. I am aware of some strong ties for my husband’s chart (Neptune) with this full moon, so I find that in my relationship, which I cherish, I am given an opportunity to observe the symbolism of the planetary movements and understand life and meaning in new ways. Perhaps you also look to astrology to understand your relationship, your mood, your inner landscape, and that of your partner’s too. This full moon is within 2 degrees of my secondary progressed Jupiter in my 7th house of partnership too. I share this because perhaps you also in a relationship consider the planetary transits of your partner and what that surfaces for them and for you in a relationship with them.
This full moon in Scorpio is first applying to an opposition with Uranus at 10 degrees 28 minutes but then to a square with Saturn in Aquarius at 12 degrees 57 minutes. While the Sun in Taurus is also applying to Uranus over the next three days. The day of this full moon and the night of this full moon will be a fastpitch into the underworld from some people. The moon and Mars are in mutual reception with Mars in Cancer. Mars at 2 degrees Cancer 13 minutes brings protective energy into play, and it can also be symbolic from some who have natal planets aligned tightly by aspect with this moon and Mars with sudden events that send them into the choppy water of their inner world. Emotional outcries of unexpected outcomes and inner chaos reflected in external events that bring the focus inward as the soul intends for an awakening that can only come from this type of interruption in the flow. This moon may serve as an emotional yield sign for many about feelings that were hurt and smoothed over but not dealt with that resolved them into neutrality.
Saturn in Aquarius is rather harsh in its authority in this configuration to this emotionally revved-up moon. The coldness that one finds itself at odds with is sharp and demanding. However, if one views the authoritarian figure as trusted and respectful the lens is rather different from what one receives. Through the lens of trust and respect, there is acknowledgment one might receive the warnings and commands for patience until the right time to engage presents, there is the knowledge that can be shared with loving authority. Though for many it is not received that way. Saturn in Aquarius is exactly trine the North Node in Gemini 12 degrees 42 minutes. For science, technology, and electrical-focused projects this is a moment where there is flow either positive or negative.
A recent news story about a submarine that went missing from Indonesia illustrates some of this full moon symbolism, it was recently reported that wreckage has been found. It may have been some type of systems failure, yet unknown, but the combination of planetary symbols and Mars leaving Gemini making its ingress to Cancer, and fairly recently squaring Neptune in Pisces brought a watery nightmare for fifty-three souls. It was reported they had not been heard from since Wednesday and began a countdown for how long they would have oxygen (air element) that would have run out on Saturday, April 24. So many families will not know the last minutes of their loved ones until an investigation provides the facts which may take months. Life is precious, most of us do not know what the full picture of our life will be, so it truly is important to cherish what we do have and live from our hearts and in our truth. A Scorpio full moon may have you reflecting on your life and what you find precious and deciding what your new awareness after this past year gives you courage and energy to live your life passionately? It is easy to see the Taurus-Scorpio polarity in such reflections.
Jupiter in Aquarius at 27 degrees 47 minutes heightens the square quality of the moon and Saturn but does support the moon after the square is experienced. Jupiter is in a sextile with Ceres in Aries. Ceres’s symbolism of mothers’ grief is rather palpable at this full moon and in the sign of Aries can surface as anger and rage over their losses. Ceres also knows what is needed to live again. How does grief expressed heal the soul? How does burning something out in our expression renew and transform us? How might the energy of fire, movement, action help us process emotions? There is a lack of fire in this full moon chart, primarily with the south node in Sagittarius, Juno at 23 Sagittarius, and Chiron in Aries at 10 degrees 30 minutes. The wounding connected to “I AM”, our human existence.
Pluto is near a standstill from our viewpoint as it will station retrograde tomorrow April 27th at 26 degrees 48 minutes. A heightened Pluto in Capricorn moment, which actually dominates our experience of this full moon. In the modern perspective, Pluto rules Scorpio, though I am one that looks at both and I lean toward what we are able to work with, which is Mars, co-ruler of Scorpio. Mars is your action, your courage, and your ability to detect something beneath the surface presentation of things, within the sign of Scorpio. So it is likely with Pluto so still at this moment from our perspective that there are certain to be many revelations at this full moon that are rather entangled with Scorpio trust-betrayal themes, or the life-death so harshly in our view at this moment. Those with planets in late Capricorn are feeling an intensity for demands, transformation, and authority. Even planets and angles square to this degree or opposite in Cancer will have significant awareness of this pressure this next few weeks. Pluto continues to change long-held structures, where is Capricorn in your chart? What is being highlighted for you?
I end with a simple quote shared by Archita Bhagawati that is rather strong but holds the symbolism of both Taurus and Scorpio to ponder this full moon. Namaste. Bless this moment.
“On each languishing day don’t lose aspiration, in the night stars shimmer, sparkle brighter. The first rays of the sun always have a plan for a new day. Try to be a star and the sun will always be there for you. -Archita Bhagawati
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