Full Moon in Gemini this Sunday, December 3rd at 7:47 am PST, a time of high stimulation of our minds! Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and right now slowing down for the retrograde period which starts just a few hours before the night prior at 11:34 pm PST. Some of us have already been trying to navigate the trickster in computer issues, car issues, accidents or mishaps, lost data, lost keys, and dead batteries! I’ve seen a string of these issues shared on my social media and have experienced it myself with email mishaps that just required me to slow down, take it more slowly and double check my work. Even then, there may be obstacles to navigate no matter what we do. The theme seems to be to take in the bigger picture if possible at the moment, there is so much going on right now and it has all our minds buzzing with extra juice! Mercury prefers its own sign of Gemini or Virgo to Sagittarius where it is right now, so there may be frequent communications that are just not hitting the mark. How many times have you had to repeat yourself today or re-write that sentence? It may get worse before it gets better!
Saturn is working his way through the final two degrees of Sagitarrius and will touch into Capricorn on December 19th. I will write more on the ingress of Saturn into Capricorn this coming weekend to share next week. Whatever house Capricorn is in your chart, it will feel like a new pile of work and responsiblility just landed on you, discipline, hard work and not a time to “go out and play” will be the new theme for roughly two years, along with leadership and transformation with Pluto still moving slowly through Capricorn.
My attention is also on the political stage right now with a very important tax bill in process tonight, which has many of us biting our nails, maybe even toenails? Really, it’s that bad if you’ve read the details on how it will hurt the middle class and lower income earners of America. Also heard today that Flynn pleaded guilty, boy is that story ever heating up big time?! What a kicker for Mars opposite Uranus, maybe even Mars square Pluto even though that square is waning. Jupiter in Scorpio is definitely bringing some juicy in-depth stuff up for us to acknowledge and deal with collectively. Matt Lauer is added to the heap of influencers who’ve been caught in sexual harassment or assaults accusations that are now paying deeply for their consequences. As a woman, who also experienced this in my early career (harassment) it is so over due for the consequences of such behavior to come to light. So for me and millions of other women and even men, this is a big moment, a true tipping point and hopefully it will continue and there will be less tolerance across all levels of work places where it won’t be so rampant. I don’t think we’ll see it eradicated overnight, but I sure hope it does make an enormous impact that continues to drive massive change for the better.
Lovely Venus has come out of the depths of Scorpio and is now skipping her way in the heavens with a lighter step in the sign of carefree Sagittarius. She’s now “under the beams” as noted in traditional astrology where she will not be visible as she goes behind the sign in her orbit before we see her again as she moves beyond the rays of the sun in the coming weeks and visible in the evening sky. From an astronomy perspective we recently we were able to see her in the morning sky. When Venus is in Sagittarius there may be an urge to hike through the snow and make magificent beauty. *Here’s a little bit of snow art by Simon Beck.
Venus may be less noticeable in the overall cosmology this next few weeks given Mercury’s retrograde right over Saturn in Sagittarius which will light the themes of religion (idealism versus pragmatism), revisiting boundaries (especially international relations negative and positive) and commitment to beliefs or restructuring of beliefs due to new information and understanding, as well as higher learning issues and likely failed communications in some manner. Observe these in the national news you will see these themes and more that are symbolic of Saturn (hard realities/commitments/restriction/road blocks) in Sagittarius, Mercury Rx in Sagittarius (mental/perception/thoughts) as well as Jupiter in Scorpio and Mars (action or anger) in Libra (relationships, social justice) opposite Uranus in Aries (sudden events or surprises and even the revolutionary will in action). It will engage you and peak your interest about the experience to observe the themes move through people in the public view. Watch the dance of life, it will surprise and engage you how it moves!
Chiron, discovered in 1977, is square the Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius from Pisces, bringing us hard work on our perceptions, our beliefs and restricted thinking that has held us back from healing deep wounds that we just did not want to touch. It is now right in our face and there is no going back to where we were. This signature really wants us to work deeply on it, be it forgiveness of self, one of the most challenging things to do, to truly get to a place where we feel healed enough to acknowledge our participation in something we absolutely dislike and even hate and finding somewhere in our depths an unconditional love for ourselves to release that and with it goes stingers that held us in denial for so long. We gain spiritual wisdom in this work, and the task is most often done in our reflective moments in solitude.
“A wound denied will fester, and perhaps attract more injury, as the pain seeks to be felt.” – Melanie Reinhart
For those who are new to Chiron and his myth I’d like to quote Adam Gainsburg from his book “Chiron The Wisdom of a Deeply Open Heart”, he says, “On one level, Chiron seems to be telling us that courageous, self-responsible acceptance of our injury – either physical or psychological, inflicted or assumed – is a key to maturing into our own wisdom body. We do this by evolutionarily utilizing our painful experiences. Yet on another level, Chiron may be saying that such radical commitment to remaining awake to our pain will effectively ‘bridge the worlds’ of forgetfulness and remembering, between matter and spirit, between Soul and ego. This implies something beyond pain-reduction – it propels us into the very place within which separateness is held. This is perhaps the most powerful message in the myth for our times. Chiron owned his owned his wound and ultimately devoted his lifeto the benefit of humanity so that it would learn to claim its own spiritual fire (Prometheus) and balance its animal and human natures. Indeed, an empowering way to understand the massive transformation of collective consciousness occurring on and in the planet now is to see all transformation as a radical attempt to own one’s own reality; that is, to develop the energetic capacity to include every experience one has or has had, rather than discounting, blaming, victimizing, manipulating, or in any other way separating oneself from truth, or actual reality.” p.10
The answer I come back to always is love. With Sun in Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius I’m full of optimism! We have the strength and spiritual muscle to forge ahead in our process, with support from friends, family, teachers and guides we attract along our journey who are also healing various parts of self toward wholeness, yet bring wisdom from having stepped on the path mere milliseconds before us on the areas where we may find ourselves wondering how we got there. Love is around you to support you, and can be found with a simply little prayer with the ask. Need to peek into what’s ruffled the energies for you? Find my current special for mini-readings here.
Until the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18th (my birthday) I hope my words and sharing inspire you and bring you hope and joy in this dance called life! Namaste. God bless!
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