Monday, January 17, 2022, we have a full moon in Cancer at 3:48:15 pm PST. This full moon is amplified in Cancer as it is out of bounds in declination (so it will reflect a dynamic of intensity that is higher and more intensely felt than when the moon is not out of bounds). Mars is also out of bounds at this full moon within the sign of Sagittarius, and applying to the degree of the Galactic center. Amplifying the desire for freedom and movement, or the need to take courageous action in the face of something unexpected. Mars in Sagittarius out of bounds also is a strong symbol of movement beyond boundaries as well, it takes extraordinary moves as well because of this dynamic. Pluto in conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn showing us the power of matter in an explosive event with the volcano.
What else is powerful, is Saturn the ruler of Capricorn in Aquarius with Mercury also in Aquarius triggering the square Saturn in Aquarius has with Uranus in Taurus (unexpected earth changes). What a powerful week as we all build in the energy toward the full moon, our personal lives are also having these kinds of seismic changes as well, it “plays out” in our individual lives as something unique relative to these planetary positions by transit to our individual nativity. It may be your own seismic shifting moment and the waves of emotion that you are moving through now, or maybe you are the witness to someone else’s event and you are the safe place in a world that is filled with such chaos your stable sense of self is their safe harbor. We all navigate these types of things, it just depends on when, where, what, and who. We all have unexpected life events, a deeper observation maybe what these events are revealing to us about our conscious awareness of ourselves, our wounds, our relationships, and our relationship with the finite world and the infinite of potentials and what is beyond our understanding and our ego. Venus still retrograde in Capricorn, an evolutionary turn for us in relationships and our important connections, in how we think about beauty in our world, and what we value. Venus (for us) is in energy where we may consider how resourceful we are, perhaps feeling the need to hold back, or contain or guard ourselves, guarding our vulnerable parts of ourselves, our feminine parts. Wisdom is available while Venus is transiting Capricorn, it considers our legacies that may be here long after we are gone. What are we sharing or unknowingly releasing into the collective lived experience for future generations, Venus within each of us considers the connections that support life.
With some powerful events we all can see in the flow of life in the news and media, we can observe these archetypes unfolding with the recent volcanic eruption in the Pacific ocean near Tonga. The reporting noted, “The Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcano first erupted Friday, sending an enormous plume of ash up to 12 miles into the air, and then erupted again on Saturday at 5:26 p.m. local time.” additional info:
The world is presently alerted for tsunamis that are created from such an event. Interesting to reflect on the “as above so below, so below as above” on this event. Consider the “no boundaries” of how a tsunami builds in momentum. Consider this also happening within the collective of the emotional bodies of human beings. What is unfolding and how long will it take until we can see that emerge? Likely a moon cycle from some things and perhaps longer for things that take more time to emerge. This is an interesting pre-event I think for the coming Jupiter-Neptune conjunction that occurs April 12th.
As has been symbolic through many spiritual and world experiences there is often a pattern that reveals something and we are able to move along through and see the pattern where it peaks. Astrology allows us to see these patterns. This peak of Pisces energy is coming in April with Jupiter and Neptune making a very unique conjunction for our lifetime. Has it happened before? Yes – get out your history books and consider the year –
The last time Jupiter met Neptune in Pisces was about 166 years ago in 1856, March 16-17th from our time zones in the USA. What is emerging from us collectively? A lot! Did you know that Sigmund Freud was born that year in 1856 on May 6th right before Jupiter left Pisces? There is an excellent article on other notable people born that year HERE. Or world events in 1856 you can read HERE, and HERE. People born during the time period when Jupiter and Neptune were in conjunction in Pisces hold themes of what we may see unfold again, but in a new form, like gazing into the pattern of a fractal. The babies being born this spring carry an incredible seed within them, something new for our conscious evolution is being birthed. Consider the birth of Sigmund Freud and his foundational work in what is the foundation of psychology, but also his working partner and later individuating on his work and own version with Carl G. Jung.
It dawns on me these pre-events that hold symbols of building potentials of energy, in this scenario in the ocean (a material world connection and metaphor for our own vastness that resides within us and the relationship of our connection to all. Stunning when you grasp the symbolic and the power it takes in the material realm.
Presently, the full moon highlights Cancer, the cardinal water sign. The feeling and nurturer of the Zodiac, the powerful feminine, and its role in all humans. Our own nurturing instincts, our desire to protect within that context, create a safe haven, create a family and have a family. At the foundation of it is our nurturing instinct to care and protect and the awareness tied to safety. Consider all the metaphors and symbols that speak to that “safety zone” of Cancer. When Cancer looms into the consciousness the protective mechanism for protecting self or another is higher.
At the present moment, there is a high alert for protection around the world, especially in the coastal regions from this event, some already managing through an overwhelming amount of water. It is quite interesting to me to observe this play out on the universal stage for billions of people on earth. Symbolically, it reveals more in what we are unfolding as humans. Collectively we have been through so much in the past two years, I think our collective feeling senses have been on high alert for some time. There are flows that we can observe from the symbolism they carry to consider what is emerging. New life is undoubtedly part of it, but there are also emotions that need space to flow, when they are given that space to flow it may be a bit of an overflow at first. Humans tend to “stuff emotions and feelings” until they get through the rough patches before they relax and feel safe enough to let their emotions flow. We often forget in our fast paced culture to allow the space to feel and let our emotions flow naturally. Crying is healthy. Telling others who we love our fears in a safe place is healthy too. When we acknowledge the parts of ourselves that have been suppressed for whatever reason, of the enduring phases of the pandemic and the imbalance that has happened in our emotional well-being, we can look at this symbol as a wave of surrender. Surrendering allows us to let go of control, but it requires faith, a hope in our future – even when we do not yet know what shape it will take.
Consider this one thought in all of this volcanic eruption news – volcanic activity often is the place of the birth of mountains, the birth of islands, it is equal to LIFE unfolding, dramatically, but unfolding on earth and for my scientifically-minded teen daughter it is a fascinating and beautiful thing to behold as well! It reminds me of watching a mother give birth, in its raw power and how precarious it is for both mother and child in that process until the child is through the birth canal, and whoosh that last push sends baby, and supportive life (with an abundance of fluid) into the world. I can honestly say I felt that concern in that last hour for a mother, so long enduring the process of birth, but in her safe zone, within herself, she knew — and in all her power bringing forth life with another deep inhale and powerfully expressed exhale push — into the world a babe is born. It is stunning, amazing, a miracle, all the feelings! I do not know why, but that is the feeling of this Full Moon. The sheer power, the volume of feeling, the creation of life into matter, the process of what that is over weeks, months, maybe years if it started with an idea first, a vision. The simplest symbolism of a mother giving birth is another way of seeing ourselves and the truth — we are created to create!
The symbolism leaves me awestruck a bit today. I am reminded clearly of the desire to protect with the Cancer energy (archetypes) and the “safe-zone” of Cancer from what is in my focus in conversation with others today. Our feminine nature has vast power, it is so vast we might fear it because it is both a CREATOR and a DESTROYER. How do you think a feminine Goddess culture flipped at some point in our ancient history? It flipped when humans thought they might control that power. And thus today, collectively we are living through the slow re-emerging of the feminine energy and power as the masculine energy is balanced as well (with healing!).
Collectively we are learning in big ways. We are part of a larger circle of LIFE. We are not at the top of the chain so to speak, we take part in it. We are called to be stewards, and be responsible for our existence within it. If we do not, we fail ourselves, we lose our connection to all that is, and lose our connection to our feminine natures. Powerful indeed. In another lens from another view, it is ALL DIVINE or INFINITE SOURCE or GOD/GODDESS/SPIRIT/ (any He/She/They/Any Form), or from another lens – Krishna – and as other forms as Vishnu, Adi Shakti, Shiva, or Devi. I am not deeply studying the Hindu deities, but I am familiar enough in a very general sense and see similarities between these understandings. From our western understanding, many may understand these deities and energy principles from God, in the form of Jesus, with Mother Mary, and even Mary Magdalene as feminine archetype – but GOD and in Jesus as the man of God- is in all forms in these while also as infinite in all forms, including no-form. So, from the lens many of us learned in our western civilization religious beginnings – God was and is everywhere and is everything – all form and that which is without form – infinitely omnipresent.
For the present moment share a prayer and verbalize your appreciation for LIFE and your gratitude for it, sit in a moment of meditation connecting within yourself your own feminine energy, consider where you are in your own consciousness in relationship with the feminine and your safe zone, your feelings of being protected and nurtured in an unpredictable material world, and take time in your spiritual centered moments to speak or write words that help you heal your wounds – they may have been revealed to you in the course of your life with stories you have lived with your own mother, or a mother-like figure, or even your role as mother what you fear and how vulnerable that feels and even what it is knowing you are the safe-haven for your babies now, in an uncertain and chaotic world.
A full moon in Cancer with an abundance of transformational Capricorn Sun-Pluto conjunction that can transform absolutely, acknowledging the feminine within, returning to the love by giving it to yourself is nurturing and often the first step on the path of new life. Take courage (Mars is out of bounds) to set yourself free on a path of higher learning that empowers you in balancing the energies, we all are feminine and masculine and when these are in balance our lives are in a state of equilibrium.
In about a month, we are also coming to the first Pluto return of the United States of America. Wherever we are heading, at least in this coming month or so we’ll understand a lot of what is on deck for our collective transformation of our values. We collectively own the responsible role of defining what that is for whatever the next 248 or so years will be when Pluto makes its orbit around the Sun relative to the degree when the United States collectively looks at its birth date. I have written a lot about this coming Pluto return of the US in other newsletters and likely will have more to share on the subject as we navigate moving beyond the return. One blog I did a few years ago was about another country that has moved through two Pluto returns, you can read that here.
Interesting to reflect on the blog I wrote last year which includes considerations of the coming Pluto return in the USA, but also the psychic overwhelm that the Pisces energy would bring for people too. In reflection, we may understand more about where we are as a collective and as individuals through the process of examining (and re-examining – hello, Mercury retrograde now!) what that reveals as LIFE emerges.
So at this full moon, consider the infinite and you are participating in something magnificent – you are participating in LIFE. And LIFE includes navigating places we have never been, and that can be scary, but it can also be exciting – it all depends on our context and how we decide each day how we wake up and engage with LIFE.
Bless this moment. Namaste.
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